It was at this time. in the video.

At this time, Red A was also frantically looking for the place where the golden energy ejected from.

"Damn it, who is it?!"

"Where did it come from?!"

Just when Red A said these words, on the cliff above.

When Red A arrived, the Bersercar created by Illya!!!

The golden energy bomb was shot by this Bersercar! Liya also sat on the Bersercar and said to her Bersercar~

"Come on, Ber-sercar!!"

Below, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but screamed after hearing what Ilia said.


It was at this moment that Red A, looking at Illya above, suddenly realized

"I asked why I didn't see her, but I didn't expect that she took a shortcut!"

It was at this time that a map appeared in this video.

Two lines, one red and one basket, appeared.

The red one is the track of this competition.

The blue one is where Ilia Chao is. A shortcut.

At this time, on the cliff, Illya also said

"If you run slowly, just kill everyone!"

"PanzerVar! Fire!!"


As Ilia's words fell, the Bersercar under her feet immediately opened fire!

A golden energy cannon shot out immediately!


Can you still play like this?!

Magicians and servants in various worlds , after seeing this scene, they all took a breath of cold air.

How can I put it, they didn't expect that this Bersercar could really fire!

And, doesn't this behavior violate the regulations?!

【Cu Chulainn:......Is this still possible?! However, is this really reasonable?!】

【Diarmait: No one came out to stop it, so it should be reasonable.....】

【Red A has no explanation, so it is reasonable! Moreover, when Sasaki Kojiro replaced Caster, wasn't it something that no one objected to?! This shows that these are reasonable!】

【Cu Chulainn: Well, in this case, can we servants use our own power?! Not as powerful as the Caster Amulet】

【Red A In theory, it should be possible, but specifically, it's hard to say. 】

That is, after Cu Chulainn and Red A's barrage was sent out.

The magicians and servants in each world were all impressed.

Then I started thinking about this matter.

How should I put it, there is room for maneuver in this!

Caster and Illya are already ready.

They don't just copy it, but it's okay to use some tricks.

As for why not get something bigger?.....

This is not nonsense, Mapo in this video said it.

Magic associations and churches are strapped for funds!

Repairs and other such things may be more laborious.

It was at this time. in video


Just after Tohsaka Rin drove the car around the corner, a golden energy shell immediately hit the back of their car!

Waves of smoke and dust were stirred up!


Then, there was another violent collision!

Illya controlled the Bersercar to come down from the cliff, and directly chased Rin Tohsaka and the red A car!

"So interesting!!"


"Bang bang!!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Illya's face was filled with a smile.

The smoke of war also filled the air at this time!


At this moment!


A voice that surprised everyone sounded!

"On my city, my game!"

"Don't do anything in bad taste!! Meatball tumbler!!!"

With the sound of this sound!

Jin Shining shines on the stage riding a pure gold motorcycle!!

"hero King?!!"

"Where are you running?!"

Tohsaka Rin looked at Jin Shining running wildly on the side of the cliff, and immediately couldn't help it! He started complaining!

But Jin Shining didn't care about Tosaka Rin's words at all, but looked at Bersercar and Tohsaka Rin car.

Just speak directly、

"How dare you run the car in front of me! Don’t let anyone go!"

"hold head high!!!!"

The next moment!

Jin Shining suddenly lifted the handlebar!

The entire motorcycle took off instantly!

Flying into the air!

"Wrap it around me, Heavenly Locks [Enkidu!"

The moment he flew up, Jin Shining directly activated the Heavenly Lock!


The Bersercar running in front of Jin Shining was immediately blocked by several chains! He was forcibly pulled to a stop!

"Click, click, click!!!"

A huge ravine was drawn directly on the ground!

The magicians and servants in various worlds were scratching their heads when they looked at Jin Shining Shining himself in this video.

This, Jin Shining Shining Are you also participating in this racing competition?!

I feel like if he ends up, the entire competition will be meaningless!

【King of Conquerors; huh. Jin Shining, if you go to compete, it seems that there is no point in it.】

【Cu Chulainn: Indeed, if the King of Heroes ascends, he will basically have established the championship.....There is absolutely no joy in winning in competition!】

【Diarmait: I can’t quite understand it either. Maybe it’s because of the Holy Grail. In any case, the Holy Grail is good!】

【Cu Chulainn: That’s right, the Holy Grail is still good!】

【Red Ace But, Lacner, having said that, is the Holy Grail obtained in this game really effective?!】

【Golden Shining; Does it have any effect? ​​When the king in this video gets the Holy Grail, won't everything be clear?! 】

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing Jin Shining’s barrage.

They all nodded.

This is indeed the case, as long as you win and get the Holy Grail.

Everything becomes clear.

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Emiya Shirou looked at the golden flash that appeared halfway.

Immediately sighed

"If the King of Heroes also participates, this time it is estimated that the King of Heroes will win the final victory!" Saber shook her head after hearing what Emiya Shirou said.

"Shirou, don't give up like this!"

"The final winner may not necessarily be the King of Heroes!"

Shirou Emiya was also a little confused after hearing Saber's words.

Not the King of Heroes?!

Who could it be?!

Could it be Rin and Archer?!

At this moment.

In the video. (Watch Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After locking the Bersercar with the Heavenly Lock,

Jin Shining directly drove the motorcycle and rushed over!

Illya stood on the Bersercar and said very dissatisfied

"Hate it, shoot him! Bersercar!!"



However, before Bersercar could open its mouth, the entire Bersercar exploded!

The huge energy explosion was about to destroy the entire car!!

Jin Shining in front heard the noise, looked back, and immediately showed a mocking expression. smile

"Ha, he actually blew himself up! This ending is perfect for you ugly muscle roly-poly!"

"That's ridiculous!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

More forward, Tohsaka Rin felt a little incredible when he saw this scene!

"Why are you......"

Jin Shining smiled crookedly[]

"Stupid question!"

Then he stepped on the pedal suddenly, and the motorcycle accelerated instantly!

In just a corner, Jin Shining was already close to Rin Tosaka!

Magicians and servants in various worlds, after seeing this video , after the scene where the Bersercar self-destructs.

Everyone is scratching their heads.

What is going on?!

Even if the thing can't be ejected, it shouldn't self-destruct?!

Could it be that it's because of the Heavenly Lock?!

It's possible!!

The Heavenly Lock is extremely restrained against a divine being!

Maybe it is because of the Heavenly Lock that the scene of self-destruction occurs

【Cu Chulainn:....What a tragedy, Bersercar actually blew himself up!】

【Red A Yes, Lacner, he died the same way as you! ]

0request flowers0

【Cu Chulainn:? ? ? That's the car's problem and has nothing to do with me!】

【Saber:.....But did you two die because the car exploded?】


Cu Chulainn couldn't refute this question at all.

In this video, he did die due to the explosion of the rocket car.

And that Bersercar also blew himself up.

From this aspect, he and Bersercar both died in the same way.

In the world of the Fifth Holy Grail War.

Cu Chulainn clicked his tongue.

How should I put it? This makes Cu Chulainn a little confused about what to say.

"But why is it like this?!"

"Really are! Why do you want to blow yourself up?"

To be honest, he didn't want to die the same way as Berserker in this video.

In this video.

Jin Shining looked at the pink car in front of him and immediately said

"Very good, great!"

"The competition is a good program!"


"Why didn't you invite me? Kotomine?!!"

While saying this, Jin Shining also looked at the cameras on the street lights.

He asked Kotomine Kirei a soul question!!

As for Kirei, after hearing Jin Shining's words, he also had a headache. said

"Because you don’t know how to follow the rules!"

Sure enough, after hearing what Kotomine Kirei said, Jin Shining said immediately

"so what?!"

"I am the rule!!"

"Everything in the world must respect me as king!"

Just when Jin Shining said this.

In the car in front, Tohsaka Rin also gave instructions to Red A at this time.

"Archer, attack!"

After Red A heard his Master's words, he looked at Tohsaka Rin in surprise.

"no problem?"

Tohsaka Rin doesn't care about this at all.

"It was hard to get the first place!"

"It would be all in vain if you get screwed by a guy like that!"

After hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Red A immediately took off her sunglasses.


The next moment, Red A, holding the spiral sword in his hand and surrounded by several replicas of the Noble Phantasm, was standing on the trunk of the pink car.

Looking at the King of Heroes behind him, he said lightly

"You are too arbitrary, King of Heroes!"

"Shoot you down!"

The next second!

Red A used the spiral sword as a bow and arrow, put it on the bow, and shot directly at the King of Heroes!

The other replicas of the Noble Phantasm were also shot out at this time!

"Whoosh! Whoosh!!!"

Countless red energy beam rains shot towards Jin Shining like crazy!

But Jin Shining directly ignored these energy rains.

"snort! Don't underestimate my driving skills!"

As he spoke, Jin Shining directly drove his motorcycle, swimming like a fish in the entire energy beam rain.

Those energy beam rain could not fall on Jin Shining at all!

Magicians in various worlds and the followers.

After seeing this scene, they were all filled with emotion!

They really didn’t expect that the King of Heroes still had such driving skills!

This really exceeded their expectations!

It was like, they At first, I didn’t expect that the King of Heroes would ride a motorcycle to participate in this competition!

【Red A....With such proficient driving skills, what is this King of Heroes obsessed with in this era?!】

【Cu Chulainn: Indeed, I really don’t understand why the King of Heroes has such powerful driving skills?!】

【Diarmuid: Perhaps, when he has nothing to do, the King of Heroes will drive a motorcycle around his own back garden and inspect his own back garden........】

【Saber: This.....It's really possible that this is the case.....King of heroes...You can really do something like this......】

【King of Conquerors: The little girl is right......Jin Shining Shining would indeed do something like this. I even doubt that Jin Shining Shining would indulge in various entertainment programs of that era.】

【Jin Shining:? I deign to deign to take a look at the things these monks use to entertain me. Is there any problem?! Conqueror?! eight】.

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