"Uh... You..."

Looking at Lu Yao'er in front of him, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

In the end, she couldn't help but ask:

"You... What did you say to Ye Liang? Don't you think, have you been deceived by him? Would he not care if a hundred thousand cultivators appeared on Earth? Believe it or not, after a hundred thousand cultivators come to Earth, they will immediately be solved by Ye Liang because of the invasion of Earth——! "


Hearing Zhao Ziyan say this, Lu Yaoer couldn't help but be stunned.

"Ye Liang... Is he such a person? "

"What do you think?"

Saying that, Zhao Ziyan couldn't help but change his expression, and quickly covered his mouth.

It's so risky, I almost leaked my mouth.

She said:

"Think about it, Ye Liang has been hiding his strength so low-key, for what? Is it to be looked down upon? Of course not, he was trying to pretend to be ——! "

"Think about it, 100,000 immortal cultivators invaded the earth, Ye Liang with the power of one person, killed the sky dark, the sun and the moon had no light, and the cultivators in the sky fell one after another, how strong and pretending to be in that scene?"

"If you dare to call a hundred thousand cultivators, he will dare to kill, and his subordinates will definitely not show mercy——!"


When Zhao Ziyan said this, Lu Yaoer panicked again.

If Ye Liang really had such a personality, wouldn't what she was doing now push the entire Purple Pole Immortal Star to death?!

The female emperor is also right——!

It is a pity that the Purple Pole Immortal Star itself is already on the road of no return.

Whatever the outcome, she could only take a chance.

So, she said to Zhao Ziyan:

"Your Majesty the Female Emperor, I know your concerns, but the Purple Pole Immortal Star can't afford to wait, offend ——!"

Saying that, she stepped forward, took Zhao Ziyan's hand, and raised her finger to swipe on her palm.


I saw that a blood stain immediately appeared on Zhao Ziyan's hand.

And that Purple Pole Immortal Stone was also stuffed into her palm, making contact with the blood coming out of her palm.

At this moment, blood frantically poured into the Purple Pole Immortal Stone.

And in the Purple Pole Immortal Stone, another spiritual power frantically gushed out and entered Zhao Ziyan's palm.

At this moment, Zhao Ziyan's whole body was wrapped in a purple light.

Her eyes even bloomed with a purple divine light that penetrated through the sky.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yaoer couldn't help but show a little expectation.

Has the day of the return of the female emperor finally arrived?!


At this time, Ye Liang was taking Jiang Yurou on a date.

In the middle of the night, a man and a woman, there are really many small couples dating.

It's just that those little couples are all running into the woods, and only Ye Liang took Jiang Yurou and wandered on the road.

"Yurou, where do you want to go?"

Ye Liang casually asked Jiang Yurou.

[It's really strange why there is a sudden premonition that something very interesting is happening.] 】

At this time, a voice was ringing in Ye Liang's mind.

And the thoughts in his heart are similar to that voice.

He could sense that something was happening to him, and that was very interesting.

Even, he instinctively walked in that direction.

[Just walk around and see if you can see what interesting things are, it must be very exciting.] 】


Jiang Yurou originally just wanted to hang out with Ye Liang.

After all, the two have not officially dated since dating.

First, it is also for dating, to experience the sweetness of a little couple dating.

Second, Jiang Yurou really wanted to see what Ye Liang felt was interesting.

Therefore, hearing Ye Liang's heart, she said without hesitation:

"Let's just walk around."

While speaking, she wanted to hold Ye Liang's arm again.

But this time, Ye Liang dodged it.


Seeing that Ye Liang dodged her hand, she suddenly became depressed.

What's the matter, Ye Liang, this bastard, shouldn't he dislike himself?!!


However, the next moment, Jiang Yurou's face turned red again.

The heartbeat also accelerated.

Because Ye Liang reached out and hugged her into his arms.


At this moment, she was as soft as a cat, and obediently threw herself into Ye Liang's arms.

This guy really still feels sorry for people.

Heehee, although shy, Jiang Yurou was happy all of a sudden.

Ye Liang's face was also a little nervous.

After all, he had never done anything like this, and he hadn't talked about a girlfriend so far.

Although I have great ambitions, I actually have no experience with girls.

He also didn't know if Jiang Yurou would be angry with his actions.

But now, it seems that it will not be.


He breathed a slight sigh of relief.

[How about it, Jiang Yurou, don't you feel very happy now, oh, this Ye Liang, why is it so good to me? ] I must hold it, hehe, give you some sweetness to taste first, don't think that I really believe your nonsense... I don't believe a single punctuation of what you said. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Wow, this atmosphere is so good, don't come out and make trouble.

Jiang Yurou: ——!!!

I don't listen, I don't listen, Wang Ba chanted.

Ye Liang, you bastard, with this beauty in your arms, you are thinking of something in your heart.

I don't believe it, you are a reincarnation of an Immortal Venerable, did I hurt you so much in my previous life?

I've done it this far, you still don't believe me, huh——!!!

Although I say something very reluctantly, I mean it to you.

I'm serious about seeing you honestly admit your mistakes with me in the future.

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was originally immersed in Ye Liang's warm embrace, and suddenly became depressed.

She secretly thought in her heart that she must make Ye Hao look good——!

If Ye Liang heard her current thoughts, he would definitely be puzzled.


How good it looks?!!

The two of them walked around so casually, walking, and I don't know how, they came to Jiang Yurou's door.


Looking at the gate in front of him, Ye Liang felt as if his eyelids were jumping very hard at this moment.

It is your instinct as an immortal cultivator to remind yourself that there are very interesting things ahead, so please go carefully.

"Uh... How did you get to my house? "

Looking at her own door, Jiang Yurou was a little weak.

After all, at the moment, she and Ye Liang were dating in the middle of the night, which was different from her staid father's guidance.

In Jiang Shixian's view, behavior like Jiang Yurou's current behavior is shameless.

Of course, he did not say this publicly, but he always taught Jiang Yurou like this.

Although Jiang Yurou did not listen to her father's words, she also felt that it was better for girls to cherish themselves.

Therefore, if she hadn't believed that Ye Liang wouldn't hurt and abandoned her no matter what, she wouldn't have asked Ye Liang to come out in the middle of the night.

The moment she saw her door, Jiang Yurou instinctively wanted to escape from here.

For fear of being seen by Jiang Shixian.

"Brother Ye Liang, what's wrong? We...... Let's go. "

Seeing Ye Liang staring at his own house in front of him, Jiang Yurou took his hand and said weakly.

However, Ye Liang's eyelids jumped more and more.

He said to Jiang Yurou:

"Yurou, do you want to watch something exciting."

"What exciting thing?"

Jiang Yurou asked.

"Let's sneak into your house and take a look."

Ye Liang suggested.

[Instinct tells the Buddha-figure that something must happen here, and it is very exciting not to look at the kind that regrets it for a lifetime. 】


Jiang Yurou said:


Although I don't know why the interesting and exciting things that happened in Ye Liang's heart are in his home, now Jiang Yurou doesn't want to say anything more.

After all, eating melons to your own home is depressing, but exciting——!

She also wanted to know what was going on in her house.

She took out the key and was about to open the door.

But Ye Liang on the side flew over, directly supported the big iron gate with his hand, flipped over, and fell directly into the courtyard.


After falling into the courtyard, Ye Liang looked at Jiang Yurou, who was standing at the door with the key in his hand.

A look was speechless: "You don't say that there is a key, on purpose, right?" "


Jiang Yurou glared at him: "I have the key to my house, do you need to say this?" "

As the courtyard door opened, Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang both entered the courtyard and headed upstairs.

"My mother is not at home today, my father is home alone, if you accidentally bump into it later, you are not allowed to scold my father anymore."

Although he was arranged by his father for a marriage event before, Ye Liang scolded his father for himself, and he felt very cool.

But that was an angry thought.

After calming down, think that it is his father after all, and his starting point must be for himself.

So scolding him, isn't it a little bad?

It's cool though...

Therefore, it is better not to scold, or not to scold.

"Don't worry, I don't have any grudges with him, what do I do with him when I'm idle and bored?"

Ye Liang said casually:

"Let's go up."

Saying that, he took Jiang Yurou's hand and took the lead to walk in front.

Although the night was thick, he only needed to use a little spiritual power to allow himself to see normally in the dark.

Jiang Yurou obediently followed behind him.

I don't know if it's an illusion, she feels that at this moment, her body seems to become very light.

Even if you can't see anything, you can walk very flat, so you don't have to worry about falling at all.

How quick and agile was Ye Liang's movements?

He quickly brought Jiang Yurou to a door in her house.

The unique premonition that belonged to the immortal cultivator came from this room.


At this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange.

[Whose voice is in this room?] How does it sound like an old grandmother?!! 】

Jiang Yurou: ——!!!

What the?!!!

At this moment, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, although she couldn't hear what was inside, but she heard Ye Liang's heart.

What grandmother, Ye Liang, what are you talking about——!!!

"Cough, Brother Ye Liang, what did you hear?"

She asked Ye Liang in a low voice.


Ye Liang's gaze cast towards Jiang Yurou.

He had a serious look on his face.

[Poof... Hahahahaha...]

Jiang Yurou: Laughing Nima, what's so funny, bastard——!!!

Of course, Ye Liang didn't know what Jiang Yurou was thinking, he just spoke:

"I didn't hear anything."

[Although I said that one day Aunt Tang will know the truth, but as far as you are stupid and let you know the truth, you are afraid that you will rush in now and quarrel with someone, or I will not tell you. ] 】

: Bastard, where am I stupid——!!!

At the moment when he heard Ye Liang's voice, Jiang Yurou was so angry that he couldn't laugh or cry.

Am I such an uncalm person?

"Brother Ye Liang, you are so powerful, or else, you take my mobile phone to take a picture, what is inside?"

Jiang Yurou said to Ye Liang.

In fact, she didn't hear anything, but, through Ye Liang's heart, she already knew the truth.

Therefore, she asked Ye Liang to get evidence for her.

Picking up Jiang Yurou's mobile phone, Ye Liang came to the balcony of Jiang Shixian's room with agility, and shot it inside without showing his figure.

Pity...... This is pitch black, and even the best mobile phone can't shoot anything.

Fortunately, this is difficult for Ye Liang.

He looked at the phone's camera, pinching his fingers in his hand.

A talisman condensed in his hand and hit the mobile phone camera.

This is a spell that can make people visible, even ordinary people, with this spell blessing, seeing in the dark is similar to seeing in the day.

For mobile phone cameras, it is naturally also useful.

The next moment, a scene in the room appeared in the originally dark camera.

At this time, Ye Liang also used his spiritual power to allow himself to see the scene in the room.

“...... Gagging——!!! "

Although the scene inside has long been known, it may be a little too grounded for mortals.

However, when Ye Liang saw it with his own eyes, he almost died of nausea on the spot...

TMD, this is also too spicy for the eyes.

Jiang Shixian, you can.

I can really call you the strongest when it comes to being a bad person——!!!

I thought so, but Ye Liang still took the mobile phone very professionally and took pictures of everything in front of him.

"Shixian, how is it, what do you think of me wearing Pinru's clothes?"

I saw a woman with heavy makeup, wearing a beautiful dress, showing herself in front of Jiang Shixian.

Her figure still looks very good, but that face, it looks less than sixty, right?

"You're so beautiful, you're really pretty."

At this moment, Jiang Shixian was naturally very disgusting.

The lights are off, what are you going to show me?

Moreover, if the lights were on, I would not dare to look at them.

"Since I'm so beautiful, when did you divorce your wife?" Good brother. "

"Soon, soon."



When Ye Liang, who was outside, heard this, he couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

What the hell, Jiang Shixian really wants to divorce Aunt Tang?

Lying groove, did he pump his brain or what?

Even if his hobbies are a bit grounded, he doesn't have to do this, right?

Could it really be that as Xiu Xian said, Jiang Shixian would really divorce Aunt Tang for what status?

Gan ——!

Before I just thought that this person only looked down on people at most, but he still had a sense of family responsibility.

But I didn't expect that for the sake of status, he could do this level.

That's awesome——!!!

After shooting all the evidence, Ye Liang really couldn't stand it.

Hot eyes, he felt like his eyes were going blind.

His figure shook, and he made a few flexible leaps and returned to Jiang Yurou's side.


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