After Ye Liang's explanation, although the current earth is still a planet without immortal cultivation civilization, the earthlings already have a very good understanding of immortal cultivators.

Even if it's just an ordinary child, if you ask him about immortal cultivators, he can get straight to the point.

And the name Ye Liang has become the supreme name in the minds of the earthlings.

Even the so-called gods in the mouths of those gringos are not as important as Ye Liang's in their mouths.

Because their gods never appeared, but Ye Liang really existed.

Everyone thought that the life of the immortals must be very free and do whatever they wanted.

However, in fact, as a globally recognized immortal and earth immortal cultivator, Ye Liang said that this was true.

Since he became an immortal cultivator, on Earth, he could almost do whatever he wanted.

If you want to do something, you can do it.

What you want, you can definitely get.

Except for a few things, it may still bother him.

Like what......

What was going on between him and Ye Ziqian.

Therefore, at this moment, Ye Liang was talking to Ye Ziqian on the balcony.

The moon outside the balcony was exceptionally bright tonight.

Inside the balcony, the women sat together, and from time to time they looked at this place with curious and expectant eyes.

They really wanted to know what Ye Liang was talking to Ye Ziqian.

It's just that what Ye Liang and Ye Ziqian want to say is obviously whispering, so they don't dare to eavesdrop.

Even if it was the Akatsuki Female Emperor, as the highest cultivator among the women present, she didn't have the slightest intention of eavesdropping.

She was just secretly guessing on the side that what Ye Ziqian wanted to say to Ye Liang might be related to his background?

"Mom, you say, how long have we not seen the moon like this?"

On the large balcony of the villa, Ye Liang, who was dressed in a blue and white Taoist robe and had long silver-white hair, looked at the silver moon in the sky and asked Ye Ziqian, who was sitting opposite him.


Ye Ziqian was also dressed in a blue-white costume at this time, with a silver-white fairy-style hairstyle, and her long silver hair was tied up with a jade hairpin, which was very good-looking.

Glancing at the moonlight in the sky, Ye Ziqian said:

"Probably... It's been ten years, and it's been a long time since I had the opportunity to look at the moon so quietly. "

Tonight's moonlight is very moving.

It's just that the mother and son sitting here have different thoughts.

Ye Liang wanted to know what Ye Ziqian had to do with Ye Qixuan, but Ye Ziqian wanted to know if Ye Liang knew that he already knew about her.

In the end, Ye Liang still asked:

"Mom, I said... That one called Ye Qixuan, what is going on, can you tell me? "


Hearing this, Ye Ziqian's gaze moved from the moon to Ye Liang, and asked with a strange look:

"Do you really want to know?"

Stinky boy, let the old lady try you.

"Of course."

Ye Liang said:

"I also want to know, what kind of scumbag is that..."

[Hehe, I would like to see, what should I look like, do I really have such scum?] 】


When he heard Ye Liang's heart, Ye Ziqian's eyes suddenly lit up.

Good fellow, sure enough, it's you, you admit it——!!!

If Ye Ziqian only determined by guessing before, there may still be a misunderstanding.

So what to say now?

Ye Liang himself admitted that he was Ye Qixuan——!!!

It's just that when he is now, this is what Ye Ziqian really cares about.

Other women didn't know, but she had heard about it from Ye Liang.

He will return someday in the future and return to her in an incredible identity.

However, at that time, he may not know her, or even know what happened with her in the past.

It was precisely because she kept this sentence in her mind that she recognized Ye Liang as Ye Qixuan for the first time, but did not recognize Ye Liang.

Instead, he wanted to deliberately test Ye Liang.

But now, it seems that there is no need to tempt.

His heart has already told himself the truth of everything.

Thinking of this, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but say with a strange look:

"Your father, Ye Qixuan, can be said to be the most scummy man that the old lady has ever seen in her life..."


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange:

"So, I... What the hell is my dad scumbagging him? "


Ye Ziqian looked cunning, and said with a bad smile:

"He, he..."


Ye Liang: ...

"What the hell is he ?!!?"

Seeing Ye Liang's speechless look, Ye Ziqian said:


Saying that, Ye Ziqian's face turned red for a while, and she said with an embarrassed look:

"I won't tell you."

Hehe, smelly boy, see if I don't play you.


At this moment, Ye Liang couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Play me——!!!

However, looking at Ye Ziqian's appearance, she looked shy.

The matter between her and Ye Qixuan must have not run away.


If it was just a guess before, then now, Ye Liang is also a little sure.

Seriously, if it's for someone else, forget it, but can it be the same for Ye Ziqian?

This is a little too evil, beyond his moral bottom line.

No, there must be some misunderstanding here, right——!!!

No matter how excessive he is, he can't have any thoughts about Ye Ziqian.

If you don't take the initiative, even if you travel to the past, this kind of thing will definitely not happen.

It seems that I still have to go and see for myself.

As her mother looks now, she won't tell the truth to herself.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang asked Ye Ziqian:

"Mom, let me ask you a question... Where were you when you were young? "

"When was mom young?"

Hearing this, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but roll her eyes.

But in my heart, I have already begun to make up my mind.

It seems that he really doesn't know his own affairs.

Although I don't know when he will remember my things, but now I blow a bull, and I don't break the law, right?

Surely it's not illegal, right?!!

"Son, you said, where did the old mother's immortal appearance come from?"

She did not rush to answer Ye Liang's question, but asked Ye Liang.

While speaking, she also got up and walked around in front of Ye Liang, her clothes dancing, accompanied by the night breeze, making her look fairy.


Looking at Ye Ziqian's immortal appearance in front of him, Ye Liang asked:

"This... Could it be that Ye Qixuan, that scumbag, taught you? "


Hearing this, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you kidding, I need him to teach me fairy phases? Son, in fact, there is one thing that my mother has never told you. "


Hearing what Ye Ziqian said, Ye Liang couldn't help but be stunned.

What the?

I guessed wrong, didn't Ye Ziqian's immortal appearance teach her by herself?

What secrets did she not tell herself?

"Please say."

He said to Ye Ziqian.

Ye Ziqian pointed to the sky and said in a serious manner:

"Far beyond the Milky Way, there is a fairy domain called... Belch...... Yaotai Immortal Domain... Well, yes, Yaotai Immortal Domain, old mother and I, is a powerful immortal cultivator in Yaotai Immortal Domain, known as Ye Tiandi. "

Although the expression is a serious book, after all, she is making it up, so her tone is a little weak.

Ye Liang looked at Ye Ziqian's expression, and his face was speechless.

Looking at her appearance, shouldn't she have deceived herself as a retard?

It's strange that I would believe her nonsense.

If you lie, please make your expression look like me a little more——!!!

With your acting skills, who will believe it?!!!

"Why, you don't believe it——!!!"

Seeing Ye Liang's look of disbelief, Ye Ziqian said angrily:

"You don't believe me if I don't say it——!!!"

"Uh... No, no, I believe you, I just think it's incredible, Mom, how do you know what's going on outside the galaxy? You know, the Milky Way alone, there are hundreds of billions of stars... I see you... It seems that there is no cultivation at all. "

Ye Liang looked at Ye Ziqian, coughed lightly, and asked her.


Hearing this, Ye Ziqian naturally felt weak.

But she went on to say:

"So I said that your father is a scumbag, when I was cultivating immortals in the Yaotai Immortal Domain, he had to come to soak me, soaked me in his hands, and brought me to the earth, but he didn't care about me... For him, I gave up everything, even my cultivation, and now I have become an ordinary woman who even a child like you despises, you say I am wronged?!! "


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Yaotai Immortal Domain?

Emperor Ye Tian?

Give up everything, even cultivation?

Groove, is there really such a thing?

If there really is such a thing, then Ye Qixuan is too scum.


Ye Qixuan is me?

Impossible, how could I possibly do such a thing, absolutely impossible——!!!

Although he thought so, hearing Ye Ziqian say this, Ye Liang's heart still felt a pang of guilt inexplicably.

I shouldn't have really done that kind of thing, right?

Face, object or Ye Ziqian?

No way, no reason——!!!

"Hahahaha, stinky boy, look I fooled you stupid——!"

At this moment, Ye Ziqian looked at Ye Liang's shocked look, as well as the look of guilt that seemed to be in his eyes, and grinned slightly.

Then, she said to Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang, although your father is a scumbag, I have never blamed him, don't worry."


Hearing this, Ye Liang almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Good guy, is this kind of thing really something Ye Ziqian can say?

How does it feel, she seems to be deceiving people——!!!

She's actually making it up, right?

How can there be such a thing in this world?

If she really is Ye Tiandi, how can she have this kind of love brain?

Impossible, absolutely impossible——!!!

No one will believe this kind of thing.

According to Ye Ziqian's tone, the Ye Qixuan she met seemed to be weaker than her.

Assuming that Ye Qixuan is his future self in the past, he was less to say that he was also in the period of incarnation.

People above the Avatar Stage will have a love brain?

What are you kidding——!!!

Not all of them are like themselves, they are the protagonists, and they have grown up to this kind of cultivation by opening plug-ins.

This is absolutely impossible.

"Mom, you're lying to me——! right?"


Seeing Ye Liang staring at her speechlessly, Ye Ziqian showed a wry smile:

"Hehe, you saw it."

Stinky boy, I just deliberately let you see that I am lying to you, and then cooperate with my superb acting skills.

You'll immediately think, I'm not lying to you——!

This is called fake——!!!

Sure enough, after Ye Ziqian showed a wry smile, Ye Liang immediately felt that something was wrong again.

Looking at the way she looks, is it... What she said was true, but she deliberately said it as if it were false?

If that's the case, that Ye Qixuan is too scummy for her.

With his own character, he will never be able to do that kind of thing.

There must be some misunderstanding here.

Could it be that there is a Ye Qixuan in this world who has the same setting as himself, but he is a scumbag?!!

Yaotai Immortal Domain, I don't know what kind of place it is.

Is there really that place?

Thinking of this, Ye Liang looked at Ye Qixuan's eyes and inexplicably felt a little more guilty.

Although he is sure that he is not a scumbag who does that kind of thing, after all, there are just in case ...

If he really did it, then he was too much.

Seeing that Ye Liang really believed her words, Ye Ziqian was secretly proud.

It's just that......

[Mom, I know, you must have played me on purpose, saying false words as lies, making me mistakenly think that they are the truth, I have to say, this trick is very high, but unfortunately, I am not deceived. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Ye Ziqian: Uh... Lying groove, won't it, the old lady's acting skills are so good, he actually doesn't fall for it?!!

She couldn't help but feel depressed.

In short, although Ye Liang wanted to ask something from Ye Ziqian.

However, Ye Ziqian was worried that Ye Liang didn't know anything at all, so she didn't tell him anything.

Hearing Xiu Immortal voice pack say this, Ye Liang's gaze looked at Ye Ziqian, secretly surprised.

Is this really a routine of saying a lie as a lie, making me mistakenly think that it is the truth?

This routine is a little dirty——!!!

While Ye Liang was talking to Ye Ziqian, Tang Pinru also took Jiang Yurou to talk in the room.

"Yurou... Have you heard..."

Tang Pinru said to Jiang Yurou:

"Your dad... Jiang Shixian, missing——! "


Hearing this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Although Jiang Shixian is a complete scumbag, he is also her father after all.

Jiang Yurou is not the kind of person who can be completely desperate, and her reason tells her not to have anything to do with Jiang Shixian in the future.

However, her heart still did not completely give up this family affection.

"I also just heard a call from the law enforcement team saying that your dad had disappeared and couldn't find anyone at all."

Tang Pinru looked at Jiang Yurou's obviously worried look, hesitated, and then continued:

"Actually... I know that although he is not a good thing, you have not completely abandoned this family affection, have you?! "


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