Four years passed quietly….

Qin Changsheng’s cave sky was already stable. The Cave Sky Mirror has reached its peak.

Qin Jia Xian Dao, inside Qin Changsheng’s palace.

Qin Changsheng, who has been in this world for 9 years, has grown to about 1 meter 65, dressed in white and snow, with dark black hair, randomly scattered on his shoulders. The purple qi looming on his body was full of mystery.

Qin Changsheng ended his cultivation.

He stood up and said, “Now that my cave heaven has been completed, and then later, the Spirit Mirror, I cultivate the Heavenly Sword Technique, and I don’t have a sword in my hand, so I will go find a Excalibur and hide the spirit in my cave, so as to cultivate the Spirit Mirror.” ”

Say it.

Qin Changsheng walked out of the palace and went to the cultivation place where Grandpa Qin Cang was.

Not far apart.

When he came to Grandpa Qin Cang’s residence and shouted, Qin Cang sensed something and ended his deep sleep.

By the time they had cultivated like this, including the 9 ancestors, their daily cultivation was useless, and they could only sleep every day, and it often took thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, to break through the first level of the realm.

The door opens.

Qin Changsheng walked in with a calm step.

“Grandson, here you are”

Qin Cang looked at the grandson in front of him with a red face and smiled.

It is not strange that Qin Cang is full of red light, since the disappearance of Qin Invincible, Qin Cang seems to be thousands of years old, this is not! Sun Tzu is angry! Invincible assets, born supreme. As soon as he saw Qin Changsheng, Qin Cang couldn’t help but want to praise it.

After Qin Cang asked for peace. Speaking of serious things.

“Grandpa, I have now reached the peak of the Cave Heaven, and the Heaven Slashing Sword Technique has reached the peak of Xiaocheng, and now I lack a weapon to take advantage of…”

Qin Changsheng said.

“Hmm… Nice and nice”

Qin Cang heard Qin Changsheng talk about his cultivation and nodded with satisfaction.

“The Nine Ancestors have already explained that you have cultivated my Qin Family’s supreme sword skill, slashing the heavens, there is a sword tomb in the clan, there are countless kinds of famous swords in it, some are refined by my Qin family itself, some are from the outside world, after hundreds of millions of years of accumulation, the world-famous swords inside can be described as many!” , very suitable for you, take my token to see it! ”

“Ding, the system releases the mission, and you can get the system reward by checking in at the sword tomb!”


After Qin Cang finished speaking, a token appeared in his hand and flew towards Qin Changsheng.

Putting away the token, he nodded at Qin Cang, and Qin Changsheng walked out.

Follow the token’s instructions.

For the first time, Qin Changsheng officially walked out of the cultivation ancestral land. In the past, either they were cultivating or they were participating in the Enlightenment Exercises, in short, everything was related to cultivation.

As Qin Changsheng stepped out of the cultivation land.

A huge square comes into view.

There were groups of three or five people in the square, some of them were practicing, some were discussing the exercises.

Directly above the square, stands a large area of majestic palace buildings, straight into the sky, which is the place of deliberation of the Qin people, and the core existence of rights.

Far west from the square, there is a clearing surrounded by boulders.

The swords scattered in the open space are not only tens of millions.

There are all kinds of them, but the most dazzling ones are the ones.

Above the clearing, there are 7 Bing Excalibur swords.

Like the king of thousands of swords!

Look high into the sky.

The clearing was filled with all kinds of sword intentions. It’s so dazzling that it makes people look up.

Outside the clearing.

Sitting in the dense crowd, they were carefully feeling the meaning of the sword inside, to know that this was the Qin family’s billion-year-old heritage, it was full of world-class good swords, if it was selected by a sword, it would be green smoke from the ancestors.

In the sky not far from the crowds.

A man, dressed in white, his hair casually draped over his shoulders, carrying his hands, a handsome face, a smile at the corner of his mouth, and a faint purple qi on his body dragged him slowly towards the clearing.

It was Qin Changsheng.

He didn’t stay long in the square and came to the place according to the guidance of the token.

Someone seems to have found something.

It seemed to be attracted by Qin Changsheng’s immortal appearance and purple qi coming from the east.

More and more people, hearing the agitation, let go of the feeling of the sword!

Look in the direction of Qin Changsheng.

“Which god is this?” The long one is quite handsome, I just don’t know how to repair it! ”

“Wow, so handsome, I’m going to marry him, who he is, who can tell me who he is!” Someone in the crowd made a sound.


Sitting at the front of the crowd, there were two people at the entrance to the clearing.

A man and a woman.

The man’s temperament is extraordinary, and he has this unique sword on his body that is meant to roar.

The woman is very indifferent, a cold breath on her body is surging, and she has this temperament that refuses to be thousands of miles away, which is very cold.

It is the Qin family sequence.

Fourth—Du Juan

Fifth—Qin Sword

It is not too much to appear in the sequence of foreign surnames, Qin Prefecture, the Qin family is the only one, and then they are all vassal families headed by the Qin family.

Du Juan, the Du family was originally a medium-sized family, but with the birth of Du Juan, he actually awakened the cold ice physique of the top three thousand physiques.

Practice to the extreme, a thought frozen for thousands of miles. Later, it was introduced to Qinjiaxian Island. With his own efforts, he fought all the way into the fourth sequence of the Qin Family!

The Du family, the family, also rose to the upper class and was valued by the Qin family. It can be described as a female middle school talent.

But at this moment, both Tianjiao looked in the direction of Qin Changsheng.

The main thing was that Qin Changsheng’s momentum was really amazing.

When watching Qin Changsheng, he was extremely unconcerned, and this little scene could not surprise him.

There was a smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, the purple qi on his body overflowed, and he slowly walked towards the front with his hands on his back, and in the blink of an eye, Du Juan was in front of them.

“Respect the mirror~” Qin Changsheng already knew their realm at this moment. After taking a casual look at them, he walked toward the front and crossed them.

“Wait! …”

Qin Changsheng didn’t cross them a few steps away!

I heard a gloomy voice from behind.

Qin Changsheng didn’t have to think about it to know that he had made this move, which angered the two people in front of him, turned his head slightly, and saw the man in front of him: “Is there anything wrong?” ”

“I am the fifth sequence of the Qin Family, Qin Sword, do you dare to stand with me!”

Qin Jian took out a sword from his cave heaven and said darkly. Heaven forbid!

“Dry tongue~”

Say it.

Qin Changsheng pulled out, a hand behind his back, five fingers clenched, a punch exploded!

The surrounding crowd cultivated as a poor person, and they had long since retreated.

Qin Jian looked at the punch issued by Qin Changsheng, smiled contemptuously, swung the sword to cut it over, just mentioned halfway, suddenly found that the sword had already become a broken sword!

“This…. How can it be! That’s impossible! ”

Qin Jian said in shock.

Qin Jian had never expected that Qin Changsheng’s extremely simple punch would have such power, and the fist had already shattered the Excalibur in his hand before it reached the momentum.

As his weapon was destroyed, Qin Jian was thrown out with a terrifying fist in his stunned gaze.

Only a broken sword remained in place.

A pool of blood….

The master of this punch, Qin Changsheng, had already turned his head and hadn’t even looked at Qin Jian! At this time, he was staring at the open space sword tomb.

“What, how is this possible, Qin Jian is the Mirror of His Holiness, and the realm of that man’s manifestation is not even a spirit!”

“Crossing the peak of the two Great Realms Battle Venerable, this Heavenly Pride should have the qualifications of the Immortal Emperor!” It’s horrible! ”


The crowd that had long since retreated sighed and sighed.

In the fourth sequence, Du Juan looked ahead at this moment.

Qin Changsheng, who had his back to all sentient beings, had such a magnificent figure.

On his cold face, there was a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Seems to have made some decision….

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