The high priest of the Wu clan has returned from the outside world at this time.

After he came back, his face looked a little bad. When the people around him saw it, they became suspicious.

"Why do you look so bad at this moment?"

One of them couldn't help but ask the High Priest of the Witch Clan.

As for why his face was so bad, don't they even know?

"This time when the priest returned from the outside world, he brought back some news. I think you will find this news quite interesting."

As soon as they heard this, they all started discussing here.

"For some reason, I really want to know what kind of news this priest brought back."

The high priest informed them at this time that people from the Immortal Sect wanted to come in.

When they heard this, they were quite calm just now, but now they were instantly confused.

"I didn’t expect that people from the Xianmen would actually want to come in."

"Yes, yes, it's not just you who has this idea, even I have the same idea as you. I never thought that people in the Immortal Sect would actually want to come in."

They really want to know what the purpose of this person's coming in is.

"Another thing is that I also want to know whether it is an enemy or a friend. If it is an enemy, wouldn't we be attacking from both sides?"

It seems to be the case.

They've been thinking here all the time.

"But no matter what, since they are thinking of coming in, we still have to take a look at their purpose of coming in, right?"

This is indeed the case. We must not take it lightly. If they are caught off guard by then, wouldn't everything be over?

"I have to say that you do have some brains, and you are quite smart."

Then they all started to impose restrictions here at this time.

When the people from the Immortal Sect came here and saw the things they were doing here, they felt a little confused.

"I really want to know why you are so busy and still messing around with these things here. This is quite shocking to us."

"Why should we do this is not to be able to resist that person."

In order to resist that person, they were all thinking about who it was at this moment. Could it be Jiang Chen? There must be some conflicts between them and Jiang Chen.

But after thinking about it again, Logically speaking, there should be no conflict between them.

"I also want to ask you something at this time, and I hope you can answer me truthfully."

When they heard this, they also nodded, saying that if they had anything to ask, they could just ask.

"What is the relationship between you and Jiang Chen?"

As soon as the people of the Wu clan heard the words Jiang Chen, they gritted their teeth and wanted to cut Jiang Chen into pieces.

"Isn’t the relationship between us and Jiang Chen that of enemies? Do I still need to ask?"

The relationship between them is that they are enemies. If possible, they would like to kill Jiang Chen, but they can't defeat Jiang Chen at all.

At this moment, they felt a little bit bitter for no reason. Thinking of it. He looked so beaten down by Jiang Chen that he was getting angrier the more he thought about it.

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