At the same time, on the other side, Jiang Chen also met a magical beast in the forest.

He had never thought that he could meet a lord-level monster in a place like this.

This monster also looked very much like a snake. Jiang Chen frowned.

I have been thinking here all the time, that is, what should I do next, should I solve all these monsters? But then I thought about the strength gap between them.

I saw that this magical beast had already rushed towards Jiang Chen at this time. Fortunately, Jiang Chen could dodge faster and was not attacked.

If the speed of the flash had been slower, Jiang Chen would have been lying on the ground and unable to get up at this moment. After all, this monster was so big.

The demonic beast was always spitting out words, and Jiang Chen also looked at it from top to bottom. When he saw the beautiful scales on his body, he thought that these scales could also be used as medicine.

Since this thing can be used as medicine, then I must get rid of it all at this time.

Suddenly I remembered, what is the name of this monster? He had seen this monster in ancient books, but because of the passage of time, he had forgotten it at this moment.

The name of this monster is the Five-Headed Cobra King.

It is a very powerful monster, and if it is an ordinary monk, I am afraid that he has already eliminated it by now. But Jiang Chen is not an ordinary monk. Jiang Chen’s strength is here after all.

"Do you think you can beat me now?"

The eyes of this monster turned red instantly. Jiang Chen was shocked at this moment. He never thought that his eyes would turn red at this moment.

It was really shocking. Could it be that he is angry? If he is really angry, what should he do now? He must have been thinking here at this time, thinking left and right.

This king cobra has also been thinking at this time. Jiang Chen and the two of them were already fighting fiercely when they attacked, and they didn't even know who could beat the other.

But gradually, the King Cobra slowed down, and its yellow eyes slowed down and it was able to decide on the left. He needs to find the right opportunity to solve it with one blow. If he continues to waste it, Jiang Chen feels that he will definitely do it now.……

"Ha, I want to see how long you can last, and I also really want to know who is more powerful between us."

I saw this person say this, and then he successfully defeated them all. After the defeat, Jiang Chen's forehead was covered with thin beads of sweat.

He had already removed these drops on his forehead. The sweat was all wiped away. He thought he couldn't beat it, but at this moment he found that he could still beat it. Although the process was a bit tiring, it was okay.

Now that he had defeated them all, he believed in these eyes There must be some good things in the King Snake's body. You just need to look for it slowly, and you will be able to find what you want.

At this time, you must have harvested a top-level magic core.

Seeing his hand The sparkling things inside must have made everyone feel extremely happy at this time. Sure enough, he has gained something from coming here.

He believes that his strength can now be improved to another level.

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