"Oh my God, this man must be a devil. Why is his strength so high?"

The people from the Wu Clan couldn't help but say such a sentence, and this person seemed to be a relatively young disciple. This disciple just finished saying this.

Jiang Chen had already dealt with them all, and The disciple next to him also couldn't hold the sword in his hand firmly at this moment, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

Because they all felt that the end was coming, and they naturally understood why Jiang Chen did this. Being so angry is just because of Fire Qilin

"Am I going to die from this?"

I saw this disciple murmuring to himself.

Jiang Chen took the sword in his hand and rushed towards this disciple. As soon as the clan leader saw it, he immediately pulled this disciple away. Saved

"I didn’t expect that the clan leader could be distracted and save people. I have to say that it was indeed the case.……"

At this time, the patriarch felt that the young man in front of him was definitely not easy to deal with.

He never thought that this young man would be so angry at this moment

"I think you should pause now. After all, you are irresponsible to yourself by doing this, don’t you know? And now I feel that we still have misunderstandings here after all."

Jiang Chen heard the word misunderstanding, and at that moment he felt that this clan leader was looking down on him. What is a misunderstanding? There was no misunderstanding between them at all.

"I just want to tell you one thing now, you know? I feel that there is no misunderstanding between us at all. I want to do one thing at this moment, that is, I want to kill you all and avenge Huo Qilin."

The patriarch suddenly heard that he wanted to avenge Huo Qilin. At this moment, he was shocked and kept retreating.

Here he thought that he should find this opportunity to escape quickly. Anyway, the big guy will definitely do it. He didn't want to die here, because he felt that he couldn't defeat Jiang Chen now.

But he didn't expect that the clan leader couldn't escape at all, and Jiang Chen also succeeded in killing the clan leader at this time. Defeated, the patriarch has always set out here, and the men's football team can spare his life.

Suddenly, a bright existence has emerged all around, and I saw this light. It was amazing at this moment, and there was no trace of it. I thought I would suddenly see light here.

But I didn’t expect that Shebishi, one of the twelve ancestral witches, would appear.

"I didn't expect that this kite would blow you over. This really surprised me."

This person suddenly heard such a sentence, and he must have told Jiang Chen now, that is, Jiang Chen should stop his hands at this time, don't continue to do this, and don't let his hands stop. It added some sins.

When Jiang Chen heard the words sin, he felt so funny at this moment

"Don’t you think what you are saying now is really ridiculous?"

"I really really hope you can stop and stop doing this, you know?"

Because if you continue to do this, then...

Jiang Chen suddenly heard what he said and sneered at this moment, and refused without hesitation.

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