The next three of them must have arrived at this safe place. They turned around and saw that no one was chasing them. Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Chenjiao looked left and right. Suddenly, I saw a cave in front of it.

Since there is already a cave in front of this place, we can now take them into the cave together and hide for a night. After hiding for a night, we can also have a good rest here.

"I think we can take a good rest here and do other things tomorrow."

The second elder suddenly heard what Jiang Chen said. He felt that what Jiang Chen said was quite reasonable. He might as well go and do other things the next day.

After all, they had already said it today. They were tired, so they just hoped to rest today. After resting, they would deal with other problems tomorrow.

Then they all entered the cave.

When they came to the cave, each of them had already sat down. On this earth, Jiang Chen actually feels that he is exhausted now, but he is actually quite tired to be honest.

Jiang Chen also really wants to know where these people here come from. Where did it come from?

"By the way, I also want to ask you something at this time."

Suddenly I heard what this person said, and I was quite confused. I didn't even know what this person was going to say.

"What I actually want to ask at this moment is, do you know where these people here come from?"

When this person said this, the second elder must have nodded at this time. How could he not know where these people came from?

"How could I not know where these people come from? You don’t have to worry about this at all. I know where these people come from."

Jiang Chen suddenly heard what the second elder said. He must have been staring at him at this time. He especially wanted to know where this person came from, so he went to ask. After a while, where did these people come from?

"These people are actually people from the Dark Night Organization."

I saw that this person must have said this, and there was a different look in his eyes.

Because for him, he never thought that these people would come from this place.

"There is one more thing I forgot to tell you, which is about the Xianmen's backing. I think you should understand it."

Jiang Chen suddenly heard such a sentence.

Their faces must have changed drastically by now. It can't be that they are the clear backers. If this is really the case, then it makes sense. , that's why they are here……

"Now that I suddenly heard these words you said, I already understood it at this time. When you said this, I already knew that the backing of the Immortal Sect should be them."

If he wasn't this group of people, how could he be so arrogant? There must be something in his heart...

Since it's them, so what?

Because as far as Jiang Chen is concerned, Jiang Chen is not afraid anyway. , after all, he has nothing to fear at all.

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