The spirit dogs must have found the scent of Jiang Chen at this time, so they walked straight ahead.

When these people around saw this scene, they had already decided to follow Lin Quan. They believed that they would be able to find Jiang Chen if they followed the spirit dog.

As long as they can find Jiang Chen, then they will go and surround Jiang Chen, and then they will definitely be able to go.

Jiang Chen was caught, and they all wanted to know how capable Jiang Chen was.

But one thing I didn't expect was that after finding this smell on Jiang Chen's body, I came to Jiang Chen's real location.

As soon as he arrived here, he finally discovered that Jiang Chen had only left one piece of clothing at this time?

The man in black must have been extremely angry at this moment. He never thought that he would just leave a piece of clothing at this time. Are they not dreaming here? This is what he is doing What I thought at this time

"What I didn't expect was that I originally thought I could find him, but then I discovered that he had only left one piece of clothing."

When this person said such a sentence, the other person must have nodded and had the same idea as him.

"You and I both have the same idea. I never thought that Jiang Chen would actually leave a piece of clothing behind."

At this moment, the man in black must have thrown all his clothes to this place, and also stepped on the man here a few times, as if he had trampled all the men under his feet, because at this time he was actually I'm really angry.

It's a pity that even if I'm angry now, I can't change anything.

"Now that Jiang Chen is gone, what should we do next?"

"I am just so pissed off, okay? I thought I had already found Jiang Chen, but at this moment I found that Jiang Chen was not found at all. I have to say that this Jiang Chen is indeed quite capable. I didn’t expect it. I can actually leave a piece of clothing here."

God knows they are extremely angry at this time. They never thought that Jiang Chen would only leave a piece of clothing here. At this moment, they are already so angry that they are stomping here.

Now this place is full of embarrassment and anger. , and then they decided to go back and report it to their leader. They believed that after telling the leader about this matter, the leader would also find it incredible. The leader had also heard what they said, and the cups in their hands clicked. It fell to the ground in one fell swoop and broke into several large pieces. It was quite incredible. Just staring at them, I felt that he must have heard this wrong.

"Are you sure Jiang Chen did this right now? Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

This person must have nodded when he heard this.

Indeed, such a leader already felt that Jiang Chen was quite smart, and actually left a piece of clothing there. He also felt that Jiang Chen indeed had A man of great wisdom.

If not, how could he have done such a thing? He should have been arrested by them long ago.

If he had not been arrested by them, how could he have been in such a situation.

In this case , then what should happen next, I must have been thinking about it here.

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