Jiang Chen was very surprised when he heard what the Patriarch said. Does it mean that spiritual power must be the same between two people before they can be fused?

He thinks that his spiritual power is not bad. You must know that he is a child who will be praised wherever he goes. And although he is respectful to the ancestor on the surface, in fact he thinks that as long as he practices for a long time, he can be as powerful as the ancestor. The master is on par.

But the strength of the two of them is not much different, why would it cause such consequences? He really didn't understand. Is it really that troublesome to transmit spiritual power?

Unexpectedly, the Patriarch nodded in agreement, and then said in a serious tone:"Yes, spiritual power transmission will make people make great progress, but there are also very strict requirements, that is, for two people The spiritual power must be equally strong, otherwise even the slightest difference will make this matter fail."

Jiang Chen obviously did not expect that this matter would be so troublesome, and finally the Patriarch agreed to transmit spiritual power to him, but he did not expect This happened.

Then this spiritual power obviously cannot be transmitted for a while, otherwise it would be useless to ask the ancestor to forcefully spread the spiritual power.

The Grandmaster giggled to cover up his embarrassment:"Look, it's not that I don't want to wear it for you, it's because your spiritual power is not worthy of mine, that's why this happened. If you don't become stronger, That's it." Grandmaster suggested kindly.

Hey, I really didn't expect that this matter would be so troublesome. Jiang Chen felt very annoyed. He had thought too simply before. No one could have imagined that something in a very simple legend would have so many requirements.

Too harsh! Jiang Chen thought in his heart, but there was no way, the matter was already in front of him, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't get angry at his ancestor who was kind and enthusiastic in helping him!

Jiang Chen suddenly recalled what he had just said, his mind suddenly became brighter, and he was no longer angry, because the meaning of what the Patriarch just said just meant that as long as he practiced hard and reached the state of the Patriarch, Grandmaster is still willing to continue transmitting spiritual power to him.

That's a good thing. As long as he practices well, he can achieve the same spiritual power as his ancestor. At that time, it will be the same if the ancestor transmits spiritual power to him.

Anyway, as long as the Patriarch is willing to transmit spiritual power to him, he can do it at any time, and the Patriarch has said so, then he will no longer have to come over to coax the Patriarch or something like this before the Patriarch wants to transmit the spirit to him. You waste so much time and energy.

He immediately replied happily:"Then let's just say this. I will go back and practice hard now. If I reach your level, you must transfer spiritual power to me!"

The Patriarch nodded:"You can do this now. Don't worry, I'm already old, and what I said must be counted. You can just remind me when the time comes. Don't worry."

In the next few days, Zhang Chunyu practiced hard at home, just so that one day he can It only takes a few days to cultivate to the strength of his ancestor, and he himself is already quite strong. It only takes a few days to cultivate to the level of his ancestor, so it didn't take long for him to realize that he was already that strong.

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