After Jiang Chen agreed to the Patriarch, he thought: If he didn't tell the world about this letter, they would definitely not believe that the Patriarch would pass his position to me, so in order to avoid trouble in the future, Jiang Chen decided to The letter from the Patriarch is announced to the world for everyone to see.

The content of the letter is as follows:"Today I decided to pass my position to this young man Jiang Chen. He is a very capable person. I believe that under his leadership, he will do very well and even do great things." Better than me."

After many people in the world learned the content of this letter and learned that the patriarch passed the throne to a young man, they were a little dissatisfied and said:"By the way, is the patriarch too old and confused? How could he change his position? Pass the throne to a young man."

Some like-minded people also echoed:"Yes, he didn't choose so many capable people, but he chose such a young and unknown person. The ancestor may really He is an old fool."

After hearing this, some people retorted:"I think the Grandmaster is not an old fool. He is such a shrewd person. How could he choose someone with evil intentions? We should trust the Grandmaster. Decide"

"Yes, yes, I also believe in Grandmaster’s decision. The young man he chose, Jiang Chen, must have gained his support because he conquered Grandmaster. You also know Grandmaster’s character, so I believe in Grandmaster. Master's decision."

But there are still many people who don't believe it, and they all speculated on an idea. Some people even spread it everywhere:"Jiang Chen, this person couldn't have forced the ancestor to write this letter, or said that he forged this letter. Yes, just to get the position of Grandmaster."

Some people heard such ridiculous words, and even thought it was very possible, and agreed:"Yes, after all, the ancestor is so old, it is normal to find an heir, so he may think that we will not suspect, so Forged this letter."

One of the main reasons for these different speculations is that they all want to get the position of the Patriarch. After all, this position is very good, so they are trying their best to get the position of the Patriarch.

But for many What people didn't expect was that the Patriarch actually found a person to inherit his position, and it was this person named Jiang Chen. Many of them had never even heard of this person's name, but since the Patriarch passed it on to a person Strangers would not pass it on to them.

At this time, the great elder also got the news. Looking at the sudden news, he said angrily:"I have worked hard for so many years and finally got to where I am now. I originally thought I would be in this position." It's mine, but I didn't expect it!"

"Unexpectedly, this old guy actually found a person to inherit his position. It seems that he has long known that we people covet his position, and he actually made such a show."

Some people who supported the Great Elder heard this and flattered the Great Elder:"How can a young boy like the Great Elder manage well? In the end, he has to flatter you and let you do it. He only has a name. But you have real power."

Sure enough, the great elder's originally angry heart calmed down a bit after hearing these words, because he also felt in his heart that Jiang Chen was impossible to manage well. In the end, after all the effort, the patriarch had to return his position to me. On the body.

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