After hearing the praises of Jiang Chen from those who supported him, the First Elder secretly resented in his heart: This guy has quite a lot of confidence, but these people who support me dare to praise him. Are they really too courageous? Are they not afraid of offending me?

Although the great elder thought so in his heart, because these people were those who supported him, he did not express his inner thoughts. However, the smile on his face became smaller, and these people who supported him did not notice it yet.

The Great Elder felt that Jiang Chen seemed to have agreed to the invitation to fight because of his domineering attitude. Since the people on his side were praising him behind his back, the Great Elder was afraid that they would notice that he didn't like him, so he also praised him:"If not Because this guy is my competitor, I think I should like him quite a lot, he is really brave."

Now the people in the Great Elder's team originally thought Jiang Chen was a brave person, so they praised him, After hearing what the great elder said, he said to the great elder:"Yes, if it weren't for the fact that the great elder is from the team opposite us, I think I would also like him. He is not afraid of difficulties and dares to face them. He is a very good person.."

Some people who were not in the team of great elders saw that Jiang Chen turned out to be such a person, and praised him:"It seems that our ancestor did not choose the wrong person. Since he chose such a brave person, I have long known that ancestor Master is not confused."

Because of this incident, the Great Elder caused Jiang Chen to be praised by some people, so he was suppressed. At this time, Lao Pao also learned about the Great Elder and a bunch of people, forcing Jiang Chen and They compete in martial arts, and only if they win can they continue.

After Lao Pao learned about it, because he thought Jiang Chen was a good person and because the Grandmaster chose him, he believed in the Grandmaster's choice and decided to help Jiang Chen obtain the position of the Grandmaster.

Lao Pao walked up to Jiang Chen and said to everyone:"I decided to help Jiang Chen get the position of the Grandmaster. After all, the Grandmaster also wants him to get this position.""

"And I also think Jiang Chen is a very upright, smart and brave person, so I want to help him get this position, no matter what? I will definitely help him."

Those who wanted to compete with Jiang Chen, after hearing what Lao Pao said, secretly said with hatred in their hearts:"Where did this guy come from? Since he dares to make such a big promise, he is not afraid of being slapped in the face later. Really It is too misleading to the public's mood."

Lao Pao appeared openly behind Jiang Chen's position, expressing that he wanted to support him. Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw this person appearing. He, Lao Pao, was worried, thinking that his strength was not good enough.

He said to Lao Pao:" Don't worry, I'm pretty good at fighting. I'm not as weak as you think. Otherwise, Grandmaster wouldn't have dared to pass his position to me."

Lao Pao felt more relieved after hearing this. After all, he had previously thought that Jiang Chen agreed to this request just to delay time. At this time, some people surrounding them saw that Lao Pao actually started chatting with Jiang Chen. He said loudly:"That person just now must be someone who is in cahoots with Jiang Chen. After a while, people who are not familiar with each other will definitely not be able to chat. Now they are chatting so happily, they must be acquaintances.""

"They must have just done that to mislead the wind."

Because many people said this and were a little unclear, so many people were misled. They really thought that the person inside was a despicable person and arranged for others to mislead him. Only a few people felt that Jiang Chen was a good person..

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