The Great Elder was originally very happy suppressing Jiang Chen, but he thought to himself: Grandmaster, the person that the old guy chose is not very good, so he is not being suppressed and beaten by him now.

But not long after the great elder was happy, Jiang Chen started fighting seriously. As Jiang Chen became more serious, he became more and more powerful. The great elder secretly thought in his heart: This guy is so powerful. What was the reason for what he did just now? , is it to make yourself look embarrassed?

The great elder knew that he had to win this time, so he secretly took out the stimulant, thinking that he was well prepared, and then when no one was paying attention, he stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it. He suddenly felt that his whole body was full of energy again.

So the Great Elder shouted to Jiang Chen:"If you don't surrender quickly, little Zhuzi, I can spare your life, otherwise you will be dead." When

Jiang Chen heard the threats from the Great Elder, he was not afraid. Instead, he threatened:"Great Elder, I advise you to surrender quickly. You should have seen my strength just now. It is impossible for me to lose. If you don't want to lose too miserably,Better surrender quickly."

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, the great elder became even more angry. He fought harder with Jiang Chen, fighting back and forth:"Jiang Chen, even if you win, not many people can. Listen to you and support you. Jiang

Chen heard this but said disdainfully:"They should have rectified themselves. At worst, we will rectify them together. You don't have to threaten me with such a small thing. I won't be afraid.""

The Great Elder sees that Jiang Chen is not a threat. You know the only way is to fight. But he also knows that he can't beat him. Even if he takes stimulants, it is not easy to win in the face of absolute strength.

Since After Jiang Chen became serious, his speed became faster and faster. Even the Great Elder who was competing with him didn't know where he was. But now there is only such a chance. The Great Elder did not give up but kept persisting. At this time, they were watching the game between Jiang Chen and the Great Elder. The more they watched, the clearer Jiang Chen's strength became. He said to them:"We didn't know that Jiang Chen had such strength. Even the Great Elder couldn't beat him.."

Lao Pao was already very happy when he saw Jiang Chen becoming more and more powerful. Later, when he saw them praising Jiang Chen while chatting, he felt even happier. He thought to himself: I knew what I did was right. , the Grandmaster’s vision cannot be bad. The more Old Pao watched, the happier he became, and the cheers became louder. Many people who had previously supported the Great Elder turned to support Jiang Chen, and the voices became louder and louder. It was ear-splitting.

The voice shouted:"Jiang Chen, come on, I support you, you must bring back the position of the ancestor, otherwise you will be too sorry for the ancestor."

Fortunately, Jiang Chen really took down the position of the Patriarch and successfully defeated the Great Elder. The Great Elder said angrily:"Young man, you dare to treat me like this. Be careful, not many people will support you."

"If you don't support me, if you let me know what little tricks you are doing behind your back, don't blame me for being cruel to you. Anyway, the general sentence is, don't provoke me, otherwise you won't be able to live well."

The Great Elder did not listen to Jiang Chen's words. He just thought in his heart: It's really stupid to treat us as children and scare people like this. He doesn't dare to do anything to us.

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