The referee and others felt very strange after getting this answer. After all, doping did occur. The referee explained:"It must not be this gentleman. After all, if it was really him, he would definitely have been found out. No. It’s just not there."

These people didn’t get the result of Jiang Chen’s doping. Instead, they learned that doping had really appeared in the competition, but it just disappeared. After this news, they said angrily:"Who on earth took the stimulant?" Agent, let me know that I will never let him go."

At this time, these people who were originally suspicious of Jiang Chen were instantly suspicious of Jiang Chen because of a few words, and the suspicion was transferred to the Great Elder. The Great Elder looked at They were originally attacking Jiang Chen.

But not long after the results came out, they looked at him. The elder thought about what the referee just said and did not dare to do the test, so he said to them:"It seems that there is something wrong. It's okay. Since Jiang Chen didn't use stimulants, everyone is happy." Let's forget about the matter."

As the Great Elder was about to leave, the people who supported the Great Elder who had previously attacked Jiang Chen stopped him and said to him:"Since the Great Elder has already checked Jiang Chen, in order to get How can we escape without our sincerity!" After hearing this, the great elder cursed this man in his heart: This man is sick. I didn't ask him to do this. He did this to harm me. He's crazy..

Although she was scolding him in her heart, she didn't show it. Instead, she smiled and said,"I don't have to do it. I've lost anyway, so why not do what he did?""As he said that, he was about to leave.

But the people who supported him before now stopped him and asked him to do it. The great elder thought: weren't they crusade against Jiang Chen just now? Why did the wind direction suddenly change and it became a crusade? I did.

The Great Elder didn’t want to go, but many people felt that it was unfair for Jiang Chen to be examined alone, so they loudly said to the Great Elder:"Great Elder Jiang Chen has already completed the examination, and it is our problem that he did not take stimulants. It must be checked by you."

The great elder knew in his heart that he had taken stimulants, and now they are forcing him to go for a check-up. If he really goes, he will be dead, so the great elder still wants to shirk.

But the great elder really can't bear so much. People wanted to force him to check whether he had taken stimulants, but he finally nodded in agreement. Those people were very happy when they saw the great elder agreeing. They thought that the great elder must not have taken stimulants.

But in the end, when the results came out, it was proved The results showed that the Great Elder had taken stimulants. Your people who supported the Great Elder were very angry about this matter. They said to the Great Elder:"Great Elder, we support you so much, but you still use us."

The great elder listened to the words of those who supported him and quickly explained:"I didn't want to take advantage of you. This is a misunderstanding. I didn't take stimulants."

Some people heard the great elder still defending and discussing in a low voice:"I always thought that the great elder was a fair, selfless and powerful person, but I didn't expect that he would take stimulants in order to get the position of the founder. It's really too much. It's not fair anymore."

Some people listened to this man's words and agreed:"Yes, I originally thought that the Great Elder was strong and a good person, and it would be very good to get the position of Grand Master, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be such a person. Despicable villain."

Everyone was in an uproar because the great elder took stimulants. The great elder felt very angry after listening to their words. He wanted to stop it but couldn't.

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