Then An Miaomiao began to treat these disciples. At first, they were afraid that An Miaomiao would cure them.

While waiting for the first disciple to treat him, the other disciples were very nervous while waiting because they did not believe in An Miaomiao's medical skills. Besides, I have just started my internship and how long have I been studying! Come and heal them.

They also secretly blamed Jiang Chen, why did they find such a person to treat them? If they died, would he be responsible?

Some of those disciples were complaining secretly: Why is he like this! Why do you want to find a person who has only learned medical skills for a few days to treat them? I think he wants us to die!

But some disciples chose to believe Jiang Chen:"Maybe An Miaomiao's medical skills are really good, and with some of his previous deeds, I believe he will not be the one who wants to harm me."

Some disciples thought this way. :What kind of person is An Miaomiao? He came to help us with treatment, but he was just something that was picked up.

After the first disciple was treated, he had to wait for a few days before one disciple after another went to receive treatment.

At first they didn't believe it, and they all had their own thoughts.

On the first day of treatment, because the medicine had some side effects, they had headaches and stomachaches on the first and second day.

Those disciples who had endured it for a long time went to An Miaomiao and scolded her:"Look at what we are like now. If anything happens to us, can you afford to pay for it?"

An Miaomiao was frightened by them and her voice trembled. She said:"This is a normal phenomenon. This is the reaction after taking this medicine."

But those disciples obviously did not believe her words and began to insult her. They did not stop until Jiang Chen came over.

When Jiang Chen came over and saw it, he looked at them like idiots and said,"Since we haven't reached the end, we don't know what the outcome will be. Since we don't know the outcome, what qualifications do you have to draw conclusions without authorization?"

After hearing this, they Whispers: That might be true. Yes, yes, the results haven’t come out yet.

But some people are saying: I don’t believe it. Who knows if what he said is true or false.

After Jiang Chen heard these conclusions, he was not angry, but said calmly:"Since you don't believe it, how about we make a bet? If she doesn't cure you, I will let you do whatever you want, but if she does, you will Come here and apologize to her."

Some disciples heard Jiang Chen say so firmly and began to doubt whether An Miaomiao was really cured.

But some disciples still didn't believe it and agreed to Jiang Chen's bet.

The facts came quickly. The results came out a few days later. An Miaomiao had cured them all, so it was time for those disciples to fulfill their promises.

They were cheerful people. Knowing that they had lost the bet, they did not hesitate and went directly to visit An Miaomiao.

An Miaomiao was surprised that they would actually come to apologize to her.

They also sincerely apologized to An Miaomiao, and An Miaomiao also accepted their apology.

Later, they wanted to recognize An Miaomiao as their master, so they came to inquire. But An Miaomiao was extremely worried because too many people were looking for her to be their master.

She had no choice but to use various excuses every time, hoping that the passage of time would dispel their idea of ​​recognizing her as their master.

But to her surprise, the disciples came to ask An Miaomiao if they could be their master as usual.

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