Outside the house, there were rows of big trees next to the yard, their leaves swaying in the wind. An Miaomiao sat in front of the dressing table by the window, closing her eyes and smelling the fragrance of the leaves. Although it was faint, she knew that it was summer. the taste of.

In this early summer season, people's hearts should be peaceful, but An Miaomiao's heart was full of mixed feelings. She saw hope and expectation in the eyes of the disciples who came to seek her disciples, but when she refused At that moment, all these turned into disappointment. These disappointed eyes tugged at her heart, and finally she couldn't bear it.

But everyone is of the same generation, so how can she be their master with peace of mind? Well, it was obviously the ancestor who taught her medical skills, how could he not be responsible? Thinking of this, she got angry because she didn't know how to deal with it. For those who came to be apprentices, she went to ask Jiang Chen if it would be bad if he refused, but he just said lightly that it didn't matter.

What can she say? Alas, it takes a lot of thinking.

She knocked her head, lifted her chin with her hand, and then looked out the window. She suddenly sat up straight.Yes, since I can't be their master, it doesn't stop me from teaching them!

She could ask the Patriarch for a venue and open a medical religion. Not bad, not bad. She was worthy of being a smart little fairy. She boasted in her heart and went to find Jiang Chen happily.

After listening to An Miaomiao's thoughts, Jiang Chen nodded slowly. It was indeed a good idea,"Okay, you can find the venue anywhere. Just report it to me when the time comes.""

"Okay, thank you, Grandmaster!"The girl jumped and walked towards the distance.

Jiang Chen couldn't help laughing. He was still a child, full of joy and anger.

An Miaomiao became happier and happier as she thought about it on the road. For this reason, the ancestor is not bad, and the venue is up to her. , she chose an outdoor venue, and it also had a shed, so it would not be too hot.

She asked people to spread the news about medical religion, and also asked people to find some people with good medical skills. She just had to sit in the venue. Central, waiting for their arrival.

After a long time, An Miaomiao almost fell asleep out of boredom. She stretched out and wondered why no one had come yet. Could it be that she was joking when she said she wanted to become a disciple?

In fact, those disciples They all doubted the authenticity of the news, because An Miaomiao had rejected them before, so they were afraid that this medical religion was fake, so no one had come to see it for so long.

Finally, someone came, and although that person was also With a sense of luck, what if it was true? When he came to the venue and saw An Miaomiao, he knew it was true.

When An Miaomiao saw him, she was also very happy,"Come, come, come , you are the first one to come here, I will teach you first!"

The man suspected that he had heard wrongly, but he also looked excited. He quickly took a small stool and sat in front of her.

An Miaomiao taught him carefully. The day passed quickly. Before the man left, He also bowed to An Miaomiao, and An Miaomiao felt very happy.

The next day, the venue was filled with people, including several people with good medical skills. An Miaomiao was very satisfied. She Standing in front, he introduced them to the disciples

"They are also very powerful doctors, and you can also learn from them. During this period, let me talk about it first. If you sit down below, you can ask any questions you want to ask, and we will answer them for you."

The medical religion is in full swing.

Looking at the scene of disciples actively asking questions from a distance, Jiang Chen found it very pleasing to the eye.

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