Jiang Chen coughed and said slowly,"This landowner sent an invitation letter. It only said that I was invited to go. It would be bad if I brought too many people."

A disciple retorted,"Well, since it is If you invite Master Patriarch, then if Little Master Miaomiao goes with you, isn't it considered that you are bringing someone with you? Since you have already brought someone with you, what's the harm in bringing a few more?"

"Yes, yes."Many disciples agreed.

Jiang Chen grinned, this disciple is really difficult to deal with now,"It's already bad for me to take Miaomiao there. Since it's a bad thing, why should it be even worse?"

"Then why does it have to be Little Master Miaomiao?"

An Miaomiao was a little angry when she saw that they were involved in her. She worked so hard to teach them, but they wanted to take her position. It was too much.

Jiang Chen didn't expect these people to say this. He looked at An Miaomiao, I saw her drawing circles on the ground with her feet. After noticing her anger, Jiang Chen wanted to laugh. In the end, he had to explain,"They want me to send blessings, but I don't have anything to give them when they get married." Knowing clearly, I didn’t know what blessings to give, so I had to take Miaomiao along with me. Miaomiao still knew a lot about this."

Many disciples saw that their master had already explained to this point, so they had no choice but to say nothing in disappointment.

Seeing that they finally stopped asking questions, Jiang Chen signaled to An Miaomiao that he could leave with him. He had not seen him yet, so he asked An Miaomiao to leave. After everything was settled, they cast admiring glances. It was indeed the Patriarch.

The two of them walked down the mountain without taking anything. This was Jiang Chen's suggestion, because there were only two of them, so there was no need to make too much of an effort, and If you walk more, you can enjoy the scenery on the mountain. Besides, they don't even know where the landlord's house is, so they have to find out.

The journey is too boring, An Miaomiao and Jiang Chen are chatting

"Grandmaster, why do I remember that we don’t go when the invitations are sent every year?"

"I didn’t go there before"

"So why did you go this year?"An Miaomiao asked curiously.

Jiang Chen glanced at her,"Because this year's Grandmaster is me."

"Oh, no wonder."

I really didn't know what to talk about, so the two of them had no choice but to enjoy the scenery on the roadside. This mountain was also windy and beautiful. An Miaomiao liked the flowers on this mountain, and no flower they met on the road could escape her clutches.

Jiang Chen Chen felt very happy when he saw what she was doing.

The two soon arrived at the town at the foot of the mountain, and An Miaomiao asked:"Where is the landlord's house?"

"I don’t know, there’s no address written on the invitation."

An Miaomiao had nothing to say.

The excitement in the distance attracted the two of them. They looked at each other and saw a young girl being dragged by a rough man.

"I didn’t expect you to be so beautiful and know how to eat the king’s meal!"

The girl hurriedly explained,"I didn't eat the Overlord meal. My wallet suddenly disappeared when it was placed on your table."

The rugged man didn't listen to her explanation and clamored to take her to see the official. The girl was so anxious that she almost cried.

When An Miaomiao saw this, he ran over and snatched the girl back without saying a word.

"Yo, are there any helpers?"The man called the waiter in his shop and said,"This woman is eating the King's meal, so push her to the Yamen!"

The waiters in the store rushed towards them. Jiang Chen shook his head and used his footwork to quickly come to them. He beat back the waiters in two or three moves.

The man squinted his eyes and looked at them,"Humph, this You are lucky this time."So he returned to the store.

An Miaomiao stepped forward to attack him. After he dodged, he saw An Miaomiao holding a money bag in his hand and said with a sneer:"You are really thieves. Catch the thief!"

The man's face turned blue. He had met someone powerful. He quickly rushed into the store with the waiter and closed the store.

Seeing that An Miaomiao wanted to do something else, Jiang Chen stopped him,"Don't forget to come. This is business!"

An Miaomiao pouted and returned the money bag to the girl. The girl thanked her excitedly. An Miaomiao thought about it and asked,"Do you know that a landlord's youngest daughter is going to hold a wedding banquet recently."

The girl nodded,"I know, he invited a lot of people, you are also going, right? The landlord's house is right in front, shall I take you there?"

An Miaomiao smiled happily and got the address easily."Okay, let's go. Please show us the way.""

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