When the disciples heard Jiang Chen's words, they were very surprised at first, and then they all sighed. First they didn't believe Jiang Chen would start a class of his own, and then they felt that no one would attend his class.

They know their attitude towards him now, so why should they go to their class if they have such an attitude towards him? Wouldn't it be better to just find a teacher outside?

"Don't laugh, you guys, I'm serious, I'll be holding a class here in a few days. If you want to study, you can come to this class."Jiang Chen said swornly.

The other disciples ignored him and"concentrated" on practicing martial arts. They were not worried that Jiang Chen would say anything about them, because Jiang Chen also said something about practicing martial arts. After they finished practicing martial arts, they returned to the dormitory in groups. Everyone was talking about this matter. They felt that no one would attend Jiang Cheng's class, so a few people swore that they would not attend Jiang Chen's class. A few days later, Jiang Chen did open a class. , but the business in that class was very bleak, and almost no one came to his class. Those disciples thought they had succeeded.

Lao Pao also found out about this and said to him:"The people here are stubborn with you now." According to me, with their attitude towards you, no one should come to your class."

"It's okay, I have a clever plan, you can check it out in a few days."

Lao Pao didn't bother anymore.

Just like that, Jiang Chen offered his own class. He raised the price very high, and it would cost him thousands of dollars to exchange for a seat here. It sounds like his class is very good.

What class can he teach? Thousands of gold can only be exchanged for one seat? This surprised everyone. Is anyone going to buy this kind of seat? It is very expensive, right? Indeed, the price was already a big number at the time. Thousands of gold can only be exchanged for one seat, those University students don’t dare to have such expensive courses.

The disciples looked at the endless stream of people coming from outside. They are all students who come to Jiang Chen. So why are there so many people buying it if it is so expensive?

Because they think it is expensive. It must be good, and what’s more, it’s taught by the ancestor. They all believed in the general’s ability, so they signed up for this class. It happened that Jiang Chen also had a trick, that is, there were not many seats in this class, so Many people think that this should be very precious, so there are not many seats. In addition, Jiang Chen also offers many classes, all at different times.

This also satisfies the time problem of many students. In this case, how can this class be held Isn’t it popular?

Several disciples were lying on the windows of the dormitory, watching Jiang Chen giving lectures to other outsiders in the courtyard, and they felt secretly unhappy. Obviously, this patriarch should be giving lectures to them, so why is he giving lectures to others now? , and he only had to pay a thousand gold to get a seat.

So many disciples went to consult him:"Master, we are all your disciples. In this case, do we still have to charge money to attend your class?""

"Since you are all my disciples, come to my class and I will not charge you any money. It's open to the public, and it's free for you."

After hearing the news, those disciples quickly returned to the dormitory to promote it. As a result, many people were very surprised and then went to Jiang Chen's class, even those who swore to go, because who doesn't want it for free? And it is still open to the outside world. It costs a thousand pieces of gold to get a seat. In this way, they make a profit.

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