Because Jiang Chen's classes are very popular these days, there are a lot of things that need to be dealt with, but they are all small things, so it is Lao Pao who helps Jiang Chen deal with these things.

Even though it was a trivial matter, it was very troublesome to handle, but Lao Pao didn't complain at all and helped Jiang Chen handle it.

Old Pao does these things, and the big guys see it. Although Jiang Chen also saw it.

Jiang Chen has always been grateful to Lao Pao, because he is busy with work, so he has no time to deal with these trivial matters. When Jiang Chen saw Lao Pao helping him handle things, there was no trace of resentment in his eyes.

Jiang Chen felt that Lao Pao was a really good person. Jiang Chen was not the only one who thought so, but everyone else also thought so. So Jiang Chen made a major decision.

Jiang Chen was still thinking in his mind: What kind of suitable time should I find to say it? If there were too many people present, Lao Pao would definitely be embarrassed, so Jiang Chen decided to talk to Lao Pao alone about the matter.

Just when Jiang Chen wanted to date Lao Pao at his usual place tomorrow night, the school bell suddenly rang. Jiang Chen had no choice but to quickly pack up his things and go to the classroom.

Jiang Chen looked at the classroom full of people and was very pleased that they were finally willing to learn something. Otherwise, what should they do if they don’t know anything when they go on missions in the future and their lives are in danger?

Then Jiang Chen started to attend class. Today, as usual, everyone listened to the class attentively and mastered the knowledge. Even after class was over, there were still many disciples who came to Jiang Chen to ask questions.

Ever since they discovered that Jiang Chen was really powerful, they worshiped Jiang Chen even more. Lord Qianran had more experience than them, and the knowledge he imparted to them was also very useful. They not only admired him, but were also very grateful to Jiang Chen.

Because the knowledge Jiang Chen told them would probably save their lives in the future, they were all very enthusiastic towards Jiang Chen and would often give him food. Even if Jiang Chen refused, they would still forcefully feed it to him..

So from then on, Jiang Chen said that he should never give anything as a gift, and he could not give him anything. He also said that I teach you without asking for anything in return, and you guys are like this...

So the guys never gave anything to Jiang Chen again, but they would invite Jiang Chen to their home for dinner from time to time.

Jiang Chen suddenly remembered something, and he wanted to tell Lao Pao something. He believed that Lao Pao would be very happy, so he immediately found Lao Pao and said,"Wait for me at the old place tonight. I have something to tell you."

Lao Pao agreed and said that he would definitely go.

Lao Pao had no idea that this was what Jiang Chen actually told him. He was really flattered. He couldn't understand why Jiang Chen chose him.

At night, even if you arrive at the specified place as agreed.

It happened that Jiang Chen also arrived. Before Lao Pao could ask him, Jiang Chen said to him:"Old Pao, you can be my assistant!"

Lao Pao said to him in surprise:"No."

Jiang Chen was very surprised. Confused, he asked Lao Pao:"Why not? You are really suitable."

Jiang Chen thought it was because he was embarrassed, but unexpectedly it was because Lao Pao felt that as a disciple, he should not be his assistant.

But Jiang Chen never cared about so much, so he said to him:"Just do it, you are the most suitable."

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