So the two sides started to yell at each other, and the residents kept saying that if Jiang Chen hadn't arrived too late, so many people wouldn't have died in this town, and there wouldn't have been so many people injured.

The disciples felt that this was just a simple slander. After all, according to what the villagers said, it was as if every loss in the village had to be blamed on Jiang Chen.

You must know that if it weren't for Jiang Chen, these people might still be struggling to support themselves under the invasion of demons, and maybe many of them would have hidden themselves in the mouths of demons.

No one on either side can convince the other, or it may be said that the villagers no longer have much reason to speak. After all, the crisis of life and death is like a tight thread, making it difficult for them to vent their emotions.

And the reason why they are complaining about Jiang Chen now is just a way for them to vent their emotions. It is basically impossible to convince these guys with reason. After all, they are not trying to reason with you at all.

Seeing the increasingly noisy situation, Jiang Chen immediately stood up to stop it, stopping the increasingly chaotic noise that seemed to be evolving.

He did not say anything bad about the disciples, nor did he admit his mistakes to the villagers. Instead, he started to treat the injured on his own.

His cold attitude made more villagers slander him without restraint, but Jiang Chen still did not respond to these bad words.

Because she knew that some things were fair and natural and could never be changed by one or two words. Compared with these, he paid more attention to those who were injured.

Those raging demons were basically defeated without a trace in the following time. However, Jiang Chen's headache was that those guys were not completely dead, and more were still lurking.

It's not that he doesn't want to find these people, it's just that it takes too much manpower and material resources, and it's difficult to achieve results in a short time at least.

Jiang Chen, who was helpless, could only hope that those monsters would stay away from him in the future.

Three days also gave him time to treat all the sick and wounded. At the same time, he also realized that the demonic chaos had caused serious harm to the entire village, and the cultivated land was also abandoned.

It is conceivable that if the weather gets a little worse over time, the village chief may face a food shortage.

Jiang Chen decided that he still had to spend some money to make amends, at least not to prevent them from dying in the mouths of those monsters but from poverty.

He gave each villager a lot of monetary compensation one by one, so that these people at least did not have to worry about their livelihood in the next period of time. This wise, benevolent and righteous approach also moved more disciples.

Although they were still a little dissatisfied and felt that the villagers were so complaining about them so why should they be so nice to them, they still had to admire Jiang Chen's behavior from the bottom of their hearts.

Most of the wounded who were treated no longer complained, probably because they felt a little embarrassed by taking advantage of others' short hands and eating others' short mouths.

The bloody smell of the entire village has also dissipated in the three days of rain. At least at first glance, people will not think that this is a village that has suffered a disaster, but that it is just an ordinary farmhouse.

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