The disciple who just asked Jiang Chen opened his mouth slightly but didn't know what to say. He felt that some things were not as simple as what the patriarch said, but he also felt that it seemed to be the case.

After the other disciples knew that the reason was so simple, their emotions towards the Patriarch also changed slightly. They suddenly discovered that their Patriarch didn't seem to be that annoying after all.

Many disciples even felt that this painting was quite insightful, and they completely fell in love with this patriarch in an instant, and were full of good impressions of Jiang Chen.

Sometimes to be moved, you don’t actually need to do anything earth-shattering or romantic. Just a few words can really touch people’s hearts.

They could feel the sincerity in Jiang Chensuo's words and the indescribable emotions emanating from this person. When this emotion was intertwined with his thoughts, everything seemed to go smoothly.

And it was precisely because of this incident of going down the mountain that many disciples changed their views on Jiang Chen.

Sometimes things are like this. Maybe the two parties don't look at each other at the beginning, but after getting along and suffering again and again, they can suddenly understand each other's thoughts.

The previous misunderstandings and mistakes began to gradually disappear, and this feeling was very strange, as if it had never happened.

From that day on, many disciples like to go to Jiang Chen to ask questions, and Jiang Chen also has very unique insights into many questions. This is like a virtuous circle, and more and more people like to go to him to ask questions.

Jiang Chen is quite happy to see such a scene come to fruition. After all, in his opinion, the entire sect needs such vitality to be able to prosper for a long time.

A rotten sect will only waste its efforts in internal fighting. Only by spending all its energy on growth can it go further, so he happily teaches those disciples every day.

It is only at this time that a person's outstanding temperament can be revealed. The disciples who have changed their minds find that he seems to have a strange magic power that always attracts people when they get along with this patriarch again.

So gradually this trend became the mainstream, and it was sweeping everyone in a way that even Jiang Chen didn't understand.

Jiang Chen was naturally overjoyed as he saw those guys being so energetic every day, and at the same time his own status had finally changed.

At this moment, he finally felt everything that the position of the Patriarch possessed. At this moment, everyone seemed to regard him as the Patriarch from the bottom of their hearts.

Everything is developing in a good direction, Jiang Chen is naturally very happy about this, and when people are happy, they always want to share their joy.

Just like one piece of happiness can still become two pieces of happiness after being split into two parts, he found Lao Pao without even thinking about it.

Jiang Chen told all the recent changes in the sect bit by bit. At this time, the scenes hidden in his memory emerged in front of his eyes bit by bit like countless treasures.

In fact, not all of those disciples are very annoying, sometimes they also show quite cute sides.

Lao Pao listened to Jiang Chen's story bit by bit, as if looking at a lifelike painting.

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