Those villagers were very unbalanced in their hearts.

Why do some people make money by doing business?

Some people do business, but they still lose money.

But suddenly they heard that Jiang Chen actually gave them additional money first, and even gave them some money to allow them to resume business.

This actually made the villagers feel a little surprised. They didn't expect Jiang Chen to do this for them.

But this also made the villagers feel a little more balanced.

After all, Jiang Chen gave them the money to make up for their previous losses.

It was equivalent to Jiang Chen using his own money to ask them to do business.

How could these villagers be unhappy?

Those people looked at Jiang Chen, and someone among them said,"Thank you, thank you!"

Even that person was so moved that he even knelt down in front of Jiang Chen.

Others saw that man making a gesture to kneel down to Jiang Chen.

They couldn't help but kneel down to Jiang Chen. Seeing their appearance, Jiang Chen quickly refused.

"I don’t need you to kneel down to me because of this money. I only give you this money to make the lives of the people in the village better and better. I also hope that after you take this part of the money, you can think carefully about why your previous business failed, and then start over.……"

Those people listened carefully to what Jiang Chen said.

Yes, they themselves should also think about why their previous business failed.

They should find out what they need to change from the reasons why their last business failed.

If they fail once, they will not believe in themselves and will fail again next time.

"Thank you!"

They originally wanted to kneel down to Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen refused, but one of them shouted loudly to Jiang Chen:"Thank you, Master, for your guidance. We already know what we will do in the future!" Jiang

Chen said he was very satisfied when he heard that man's behavior, and nodded:"Since you already know what you will do in the future, this is what I have always expected you to do in my heart.""

When those people heard what Jiang Chen said, they all felt as if they were inspired.

When Jiang Chen saw their originally lifeless faces, he suddenly felt a desire for the future.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh. Get up, this is the side of them that I want to see

"Okay, if that's the case, let's all leave first."

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, those people all left in an instant, leaving only Jiang Chen and his disciples.

"Master, what should we do next?"

The apprentice looked at Jiang Chen in front of him and was very puzzled.

Jiang Chen looked at the apprentice in front of him and smiled, but he didn't care much in his heart. He said,"Since we have given them the money, So now we are going to the mountains to see how they work, and see if there is anything we can do to help them."

When the disciples heard what Jiang Chen said, they looked at each other, nodded, and seemed to understand something in their hearts.

"OK, master."

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