"The first game is against virtual monsters. Whoever breaks out first will be able to successfully proceed to the second round. If someone wants to give up in the middle, you can call our disciples directly and we will take you out. Of course, in this case, it will be counted as giving up."

The disciple in charge of the first round of the competition looked at the dense crowd of challengers in front of him and said.

Those challengers had very disdainful expressions on their faces after hearing what the disciple said.

"Isn't it just a virtual monster? There's nothing to be afraid of."

They looked at each other, each other's eyes were full of triumph.

"That is, we will definitely be the first to pass the first level."

The disciple heard the conversation between the contestants, but he didn't say anything. He just announced the start of the game.

He remembered that several men said the same thing last year, but when he saw the virtual monster later, he was frightened. Their legs could no longer walk.

In the end, they asked their disciples to send them away.

Those who competed densely entered the virtual monster level, only to see that there were countless monsters inside.

The virtual monsters Jiang Chen prepared were from weak to strong. The monster will become stronger and stronger as you go to later levels. If you are marked by that monster, you will lose.

"Wow, my God, there is such a big snake demon!"

These passers-by passed the first few levels smoothly.

But when they went to the back, where they encountered the snake demon, they began to have difficulties.

The snake demon spit out the snake core and looked at the person in front of him fiercely. Those players.

Some players saw such a powerful snake and wanted to take out their swords to deal with it.

But the snake demon spit out saliva and wanted to mark those players.

Fortunately, the player moved faster and ducked to the side.

But The saliva spitted out by the snake demon corroded the ground, which frightened the other players.

"What if its saliva spits on us?"A male player gave up resistance and was trembling.

"Seeing that they have used such powerful mechanisms to deal with us, just because they don’t want us to pass safely, forget it, I won’t participate, I will abstain!"

A few timid male players simply raised their hands and abstained. When the disciples saw this, they left with these abstaining players.

Jiang Chen watched the competition of those players through the virtual realm. He saw that some players still He had already given up without even trying.

This made the expression on Jiang Chen's face become even more silent, without saying a word.

"How about we give up?……"The other men saw their brothers giving up the game, and they no longer wanted to compete.

But a few girls continued to fight bravely

"It's just a virtual monster. There's nothing to be afraid of. The worst we can do is defeat it!"

The girl looked at such a powerful monster in front of her, and was not afraid. She stretched out the sword in her hand, decapitated the snake monster in three strokes, and got through safely.

But the other women saw They continued to fight bravely like this.

Jiang Chen saw that even though many male contestants had given up, those women were still fighting bravely, and he couldn't help but feel very satisfied.

"They are sisters, but they are just virtual monsters!"

What do we have to be afraid of? The worst we can do is fight her.

" I heard one woman say this, and those women fought more and more bravely.

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