After listening to the task announced by Jiang Chen, the old students and freshmen became excited and said one after another:"No problem, you can start at any time."

Jiang Chen looked at the excitement of the disciples' clothes, shook his head helplessly, and said:"I will finally Let me tell you, you must calculate your time and do what you can. If you see something particularly dangerous and you think you are not good at it, don’t try it. Come back safely. Okay, let’s go." After receiving the order, the old students excitedly set off with their team members..

The freshmen also set off with high morale and high expectations.

After everyone was gone, Jiang Chen took Lao Pao and sat down.

Lao Pao looked at Jiang Chen's carefree look and asked doubtfully:"What should we do next?"

"What can I do? Just sit and wait."Jiang Chen said

"Just wait like this, why don’t we find something to do?"Lao Pao asked in disbelief.

Jiang Chen thought for a while, then pulled Lao Pao and ran out of the cave.

Lao Pao looked at Jiang Chen and asked strangely:"What are you doing?"

"I saw spiritual rabbits nearby on my way here yesterday. Anyway, it’s okay now. Let’s hunt two spiritual rabbits and roast them."Jiang Chen said excitedly.

Lao Pao asked suspiciously:"It's been all night, maybe they all ran away.……"

Before Lao Pao could finish speaking, Jiang Chen stopped and pulled Lao Pao to squat down.

Before Lao Pao could ask, he heard Jiang Chen say to himself:"Shh, there is a spiritual rabbit in front of you, don't scare it."

Jiang Chen saw the right opportunity and caught the spiritual rabbit while it was eating.

The veteran watching couldn't help but applaud and admire.

Jiang Chen handed the captured spirit rabbit to Lao Pao and said,"Catch it, don't let it escape."

Then he ran away not far away.

When Jiang Chen came back, he had a spiritual rabbit in his hand.

Lao Pao said with admiration:"Awesome."

Jiang Chen looked at Lao Pao's exaggerated appearance and couldn't help laughing:"Okay, okay, let's go back and roast the rabbit."

Back at the entrance of the cave, Lao Pao took Jiang Chen's hand The rabbit on the bed said that it was hard for him to catch rabbits, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to be responsible for roasting the spiritual rabbits.

Jiang Chen didn't insist after hearing this, and gave Lao Pao the rabbit he was holding to deal with.

Seeing how quickly Lao Pao handled the rabbit, Jiang Chen praised,"Okay, I didn't expect you to be good at handling rabbits."

Lao Pao smiled when he heard Jiang Chen's words.

After a while, the rabbit was grilled.

After a while, Lao Pao first picked up a spiritual rabbit and handed it to Jiang Chen:"One for each person, you eat first."

Jiang Chen happened to be hungry, so he didn't push it away. He said thank you and took it from Lao Pao. Take the roast rabbit.

Jiang Chen took a bite, and the meat was unusually sweet and delicious. He couldn't help but exclaimed:"This roasted rabbit tastes really good."

After hearing this, Lao Pao picked up another roasted rabbit and started to chew it, and said in agreement:" It's really good, the meat is so fresh."

Then he turned around and saw Jiang Chen devouring the food. Lao Pao said with a smile:"Eat slowly, don't choke. If it's not enough, I'll give you some too."

Jiang Chen shook his head and mouthed He was still eating something and said unclearly:"No, one is just enough to fill you up. You should eat quickly."

After hearing this, Lao Pao also started to eat the roast rabbit in his hand.

Just when the two of them were eating the roasted rabbit on their hands, Jiang Chen suddenly heard some noise.

"What's wrong?"Lao Pao noticed Jiang Chen's change and asked strangely.

"There seemed to be a sound."Jiang Chen said strangely.

After hearing this, Lao Pao said indifferently:"Isn't this normal?"

Jiang Chen thought about it and thought it made sense, so he didn't care anymore.

After a while, Jiang Chen heard the noise again, and it was coming from inside the cave!

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