"By the way, have any of you just met Baymax and the others? No matter how long ago it was, if you have met Baymax and the others, please tell me where you met them."

Jiang Chen asked all the members of the four groups who have returned, hoping to get some useful clues from them so that he can find Dabai and the others as soon as possible.

"Are there any? Anyone who has encountered Dabai please tell me. It may be of some use to us in finding Dabai and the others."Lao Pao shouted anxiously to the four groups of people.

He looked anxious, as if he wished he could get news about Dabai and the others now, and flew to Dabai and the others immediately. He even wished that the missing person could be himself. I don’t want Baymax and the others to be in danger either.

"Report!"At this time, a person in the team raised his hand," I seemed to have seen people from Dabai's team before, not far away."

The person who raised his hand to report pointed in a direction and motioned for everyone to follow him

"That’s it. It was here that we happened to meet Dabai and the others just now."Led by the person who raised his hand to report the information, Jiang Chen and others arrived at the entrance of Teng Wanlin

"Also, who else has just met Dabai and the others?"

"Report! We seem to have met Baymax and the others. Just a short distance from the entrance of Tengwanlin"

"Report! We also met Dabai and the others in Tengwanlin."

In this way, the four groups began to report the situation.

Based on the situation reports of other group members who had met Dabai's group, Jiang Chen quickly figured out the situation.

"It seems that Dabai and the others should have gone deeper after entering Tengwanlin. Come on, let's keep walking forward, they should be not far away."

Jiang Chen led a group of people and continued to advance deep into the Ten Thousand Forests.

Soon, a group of people came to a big tree.

"Why are there signs of an attack here?"Lao Pao started to worry about Dabai and the others again.

"It should be that Dabai and the others are in danger, and we need to speed up the search for them."Jiang Chen couldn't hide the worry on his face, but he still suppressed his worry and continued to lead everyone to find Dabai and the others.

Deep in the Tengwan Forest - finally, after walking for who knows how long, Jiang Chen and the others found themselves in Tengwanlin. Dabai and his group were found in the depths of Wanlin.

During this time, Dabai's team members were all injured. Some were lying on the ground, unable to move; some were covered in blood, and the corners of their mouths were bleeding; He had already passed out leaning against the big tree.


Lao Pao, Xiaomi and many people who knew Dabai and the others rushed forward immediately.

"Jiang Chen, veteran."Under a tree nearby, Dabai was covering the wound that was still bleeding. His lips began to turn white due to excessive blood loss, which was in sharp contrast with the bright red blood at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at such a weak Dabai, Jiang Chen's The pupils narrowed sharply, and the worry and concern in his eyes could no longer be hidden. Jiang Chen and Lao Pao quickly came to Dabai's side.

Lao Pao immediately started to stop the bleeding from Dabai's wound, taking care of Dabai quickly and comforting him while taking care of him. :"Dabai, we're here, hold on, I'll stop your bleeding"

"Dabai, what happened to you?"After briefly dealing with it, Jiang Chen began to ask about the ins and outs of the matter.

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