Jiang Chen sighed with some disappointment. After all, he still didn't know the conspiracy behind this. He thought that one day he would definitely not be able to protect the students. He was a little helpless. He didn't know when a genius would appear to inherit his mantle.

?It can be seen from this that girls are better. He must focus on training these students, which is very beneficial to their sect. Because they are the first students, they value them particularly.

?Those students were extremely excited. They were really like newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. Jiang Chen looked at these students with some relief. They were just like himself before, with their faces full of vigor and positive spirit.

?Jiang Chen settled the students and planned to visit the landlord. After all, the landlord had helped him a lot in the past. If school started, he would have less time to visit him. So he walked towards the landlord's house. As soon as he entered the door, he was going to give Jiang Chen a red envelope.

?But looking at Jiang Chen's refusal, it was difficult to say anything,"Landlord, I don't need much money on weekdays, but today is your little daughter's big day. If you want to thank me, I don't need to use a red envelope. I appreciate it." Just get it"

?So Jiang Chen hurriedly refused and handed the red envelope to his little daughter, saying that on this happy day, he would come to congratulate his little daughter. The landlord was very touched and felt that Jiang Chen was a rare talent.

?Moreover, he has good character and is a good person, so the landlord was very touched. He did not expect to receive a gift from the ancestor. He was very touched and surprised.

?"I used to think that you would not come, because your status is very noble, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people like us, but what I saw today is that you did come, and you even gave me a red envelope. It is really touching."

?As he spoke, the landlord flicked his sleeves and wanted to kneel down,"No, you are the elder and I am the junior. How can I let you kneel down for me? This is unreasonable and unreasonable. Please get up quickly."." Jiang Chen said worriedly

?In the evening, a cloud appeared in the sky. It was the time when the sunset was in full bloom, and many flowers bloomed nearby, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

?Jiang Chen took a deep breath,"Ah, it's really a beautiful summer." He sighed. In a few days, the wedding of the landlord's youngest daughter would be coming. He had to prepare well and not make any mistakes.

?He couldn't let this wedding become an eternal regret, he thought, and walked back to his home with light steps, rummaging through the closet to find clothes that suit him.

?But after looking through it for a while, he didn't find any suitable clothes, so he planned to go shopping. He came to a clothing store and picked out clothes that suited him. It took him a long time before he made the right choice. After all, this was very important to him.

?He couldn't take anything lightly. He had to do his best if he wanted to do it. So he paid the money and went home with the new clothes. At night, he thought about a lot of things.

?The next day, the wedding started as scheduled. Jiang Chen went to the appointment wearing his new clothes. He saw the landlord, his youngest daughter and son-in-law standing at the gate to greet the guests.

?Jiang Cheng walked towards the landlord, his young daughter and his son-in-law, chatted with them for a while, and then prepared to walk to the venue. There were so many people here and it was so lively.

?After Jiang Chen sat at the landlord's house for a while, he returned to his sect. He had already settled in a place for the new students. When he entered the sect, he could still hear the students discussing excitedly about slaying demons.

?Jiang Chen communicated with Lao Pao again,"Well, I think there must be something else in this forest. After escorting the students to the academy first, the two of us can come to this place alone, okay?" Jiang Chen Chen said

?He thought this was the best way, and Lao Pao didn't refute him, so he agreed to send the students to the academy first. He and Jiang Chen tiptoed to the forest, fearing that the students would discover their movements and follow them. come over.

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