The sky has become overcast, and it is still raining lightly. Jiang Chen and Lao Pao soon returned to the forest. The mountain was eerie, with rustling sounds accompanied by a few wolf howls from time to time.

?Jiang Chen and Lao Pao both felt a little scared. At this time, the forest was already very dangerous. However, the two of them had to bite the bullet and go inside.

?I don't know how long it took, but Jiang Chen noticed that there were several bright lights in front of him from time to time, which made Jiang Chen very curious. The two of them continued walking deeper into the forest. Jiang Chen found that there was demonic energy spreading everywhere in the deep forest. Jiang Chen felt that something was wrong and wanted to go find out.

?Lao Pao grabbed Jiang Chen's arm:"Why are you going?"

?"Have you ever felt the demonic energy? It’s right in front! Let’s go find out!"

?As he said this, Jiang Chen was about to drag Lao Pao away, but Lao Pao shook off his hand.

?"I'm not going, you have to go by yourself! It's so dark, we can't even see the road clearly, what are we asking about? Besides, I didn’t want to be taken advantage of by going there even though I knew there would be danger! Be careful, you don’t even know how you died."

?"No, you are so timid! If you don't dare, I will go by myself!"As he said this, Jiang Chen was about to leave.

?"Hey, hey, hey, who dares not to dare anymore? Stop irritating me. This trick is useless to me. I'm not thinking about the safety of the two of us. I'm just fooling around. If anything happens, I can come back tomorrow morning. It won't be too late!"

?"This cannot be delayed, there is still tomorrow! Can't we go? A grown man is whining like a bitch."

?Jiang Chen's words made Lao Pao angry.

?"I'll show you what it means to be a real man!" After saying that, Lao Pao patted his chest and swaggered forward.

?Jiang Chen smiled, it turned out that this trick worked well and he had learned it. Jiang Chen and Lao Pao just walked forward in the dark. This place was like a small maze. The two of them could not reach the end.

?The wind was very strong at night and it was raining lightly. Lao Pao thought that there was something wrong with Jiang Chen's judgment and said impatiently:"I asked you, can you do it? I've been walking for so long and haven't found anything. What do you feel? There's something wrong. It's time to fix it."

?Lao Pao kept taunting Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was so angry that he wanted to hit someone. However, what Lao Pao said was right, they found nothing. Jiang Chen also began to doubt himself. Did I really feel wrong?

?Suddenly, Lao Pao's eyes lit up and he hit Jiang Chen's shoulder hard. Jiang Chen was beaten very painfully. Just as he was about to yell at Lao Pao, he saw Lao Pao's hand pointing forward, as if to indicate what he was looking at. Jiang Chen looked in the direction of his finger. It seemed to be a small cave. There were dots of light in the cave, but they quickly disappeared.

?However, Jiang Chen and Lao Pao had already seen it, so the two of them walked towards the cave.

?The mouth was so small that neither Lao Pao nor Jiang Chen could get in. They could only explore outside the cave to see if they could find any clues. Soon, Jiang Chen found a book under the stone at the entrance of the cave. The book was very worn and seemed to have been left here for a long time.

?At this time, Lao Pao came over:"What are you doing? What is this? What are you doing with a broken book?"!"

?"Did you notice something was off about this book."Lao Pao flipped through a few pages and found that he couldn't understand it at all.

?"What's so strange about a broken book?"

?"There is a very strong atmosphere of evil in the book."Jiang Chen said very seriously.

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