"I thought I was hiding well, but I didn’t expect you to see through it. It’s really boring."Jiang Chen's heart tightened. Only now did he realize that the masked man was talking about himself.

"Ha, are you Jiang Chen?"The masked man sneered, then looked at Jiang Chen and asked slowly

"you know me?"Jiang Chen's expression changed, his brows furrowed, and he stared at the masked man, trying to see through the mask the true face hidden underneath.

"Natural understanding."The masked man said, and it was not difficult to find from his tone that he was very familiar with Jiang Chen.

"who are you? No, you came here just to lure me here."Jiang Chen said sternly, and then his mind was shaken. He looked at the masked man and felt a sudden realization.

Only now did he understand that this masked man came just for him. The reason why he kept walking here was to dissuade him. After all, if you take a car, you can easily spot someone who has been following you.

On the contrary, if you walk, you cannot easily spot the stalker. After all, people are moving, and strangers who may have met you one moment will be the next. I can't remember a moment at all

"So smart, but it's a pity that I knew it too late."The masked man said. Jiang Chen could clearly feel the pride and murderous intent in the masked man's words.

"who are you? Do I know you? Why did you bring me here?"Jiang Chen frowned and looked at the masked man in confusion.

He was very curious now, what was the purpose of this masked man bringing him here? Although he did offend a lot of people, he still didn't It can only be regarded as a contradiction at best for a person to offend someone to death.

But looking at the masked man's behavior, it was as if he wanted to kill him, which made him feel a little bit confused, so he wanted to get effective information.

"Want to know? I will tell you after you die."The masked man said. Even though Jiang Chen couldn't see the masked man's expression, he could still feel the masked man's arrogance and the cruel smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

As he said that, the masked man suddenly attacked Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen was well prepared and was always wary of the masked man's sudden attack, so when the masked man rushed over, Jiang Chen dodged directly to the side. The masked man missed his attack and instantly spun around in the air. body, and the fists are glowing with white light. This is the way to attach the spiritual energy to the outside of the body and enhance the attack power.

Jiang Chen naturally does not dare to catch it forcefully. Although he can also catch it, it will hurt, but it is really It's not cost-effective.

At this time, Jiang Chen was constantly avoiding and defending, while the masked man was fiercely attacking.

"Why are you fighting? Give me a reason."Jiang Chen shouted. He really didn't like this kind of inexplicable battle, especially when the other party might know the reason, but he didn't. This feeling was really uncomfortable and made Jiang Chen very annoying.

Because he It feels like this kind of fight is completely meaningless to him. Even if you want to fight, can you give a reason? Even if it is a lame reason, at least there is a reason.

"If you can defeat me, I will tell you, or in other words, I will tell you when you die."The masked man said, just to deal with Jiang Chen, making it clear that he didn't want to tell him.

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