After listening to the old monk's words, Jiang Chen touched his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

"As for this matter, I have to think about it."

"Don't worry, as long as this can be done, I can do whatever you want in terms of remuneration. Gold, silver, and jewelry are up to you!"

The old monk said excitedly.

In fact, before this, he had sent many forces to find his missing son, but in the end, he disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

"What you said is wrong. To me, gold and silver treasures are nothing, but I always have a rule when it comes to helping. I wonder if you can accept it?"

Jiang Chen smiled.

For the old monk, the most indispensable thing is money, and he naturally doesn't care about it.

"you say"

"I only have one principle when it comes to my actions. I treat it as if you owe me a favor. When the time comes, you must obey unconditionally whatever I ask you to do. But don't worry, it won't involve anything harmful to nature."

Jiang Chen said lightly.

A trace of hesitation flashed across the old monk's face, but he finally nodded in agreement.

"Well, as long as you can find the circle, other things are easy to talk about."

For him, his son is the only bloodline of the family. He has grown taller in the past few years, and it is too late to have another child.

If this only bloodline is cut off, he will be unable to face his ancestors again after his death. Zong.

So before that, nothing is more important than a son.……

"Okay, nice to work with you."

After saying this, Jiang Chen poured himself another glass of wine and raised his glass to face the old monk.

The old monk nodded and poured himself a glass of wine as well, and the two drank another glass from across the air.

In this way. At first, the two of them had reached a deal.

Returning to the food in front of them, Jiang Chen had already had a meal on the first floor of the inn, but seeing such delicious food, he still couldn't help but taste a few more bites.

Unexpectedly Needless to say, the cooks in the Muyang family are really good!

After Jiang Chen had eaten his fill, there were not many dishes left on the table in front of him.

"It seems that Mr. Jiang is very satisfied with the reception this time."

The old monk saw this and sighed with emotion.

"I have to say that you really enjoy it. You can eat and drink well every day, and your life is considered complete."

Jiang Chen teased

"Sigh... It's not complete yet. I've been suffering from insomnia every day because of this matter for the past few days. Only when my missing son is found again will I be able to rest assured."

While talking, the old monk let out a long breath.

Just as the two of them were trying to talk to each other, a man rushed in from the door.

I saw the man panting, with a very anxious look on his face, and thumped Kneeling on the ground

"What are you doing? Why don't you hurry out and see me entertaining distinguished guests?!"

Seeing that man's recklessness, the old monk couldn't help but scold him.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm afraid he is in a hurry."

Jiang Chen was open-minded and waved his hand indifferently.

"Lord, I do have something important to report."

The man swallowed secretly, his eyes filled with fear.

"If it is, then say it quickly."

The old monk urged impatiently.


The man looked hesitant and glanced at Jiang Chen, seemingly worried.

"It's okay. Mr. Jiang is one of our own. If you have anything to say, just tell him."

The old monk said, and the man breathed a sigh of relief.

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