No matter what kind of thoughts he had in his heart, Jiang Chen's face did not show even a trace of it.

"You are Mu Yun, hello, I am Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen politely introduced himself. After all, it is his mission goal for this trip. He still needs to introduce what needs to be introduced.

"Hello Jiang Chen, I am Mu Yun. I was rescued by Zhou Yaner and the others, and I have been following them since then."

Mu Yun didn't seem to expect that Jiang Chen would greet him in such an approachable manner, so he replied to Jiang Chen flattered.

"Well, you don't need to tell me this. I was entrusted by someone to take you back. Now that your identity has been confirmed, you can just follow me after we get out."

Jiang Chen knew Mu Yun's worries, so he assured them to reassure them. After all, with his strength, there should be no problem in taking them out.

"OK, I believe you."

Mu Yun was infected by Jiang Chen's confidence, and coupled with Zhou Yan'er's previous admiration for Jiang Chen, he also inexplicably believed in Jiang Chen.

"But there is one thing I am very curious about, that is, how did you get here?"

Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to Mu Yun's belief, and he expressed the question he just had in his heart.

"This is a long story, I am......"

Mu Yun didn't seem to have thought that Jiang Chen would ask this, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"It's murder, Zhou Yan'er, come and save people!"

Just when Mu Yun was about to continue speaking, there was a burst of exclamation from behind them, where the crowd was densely packed.

"Let's go and have a look."

The four of them looked at each other and walked in the direction of the sound. After walking in, they realized that it was actually Jianxiu and others who were killing people.

"It turns out to be you. Why do you kill innocent people indiscriminately? Do you know what will happen if you do this?"

Jiang Chen rushed forward angrily, saved the people who were asking for help from the sword cultivator, and then stood in front of them to protect them.

"Who do I think it is? It turns out to be Jiang Chen. Why did you just save these people?" The sword cultivator casually weighed the sword in his hand and looked at Jiang Chen with disdain.

"I'm not wrong. If you kill them all now, you haven't killed the monsters, because they are all living people, not monsters."

Jiang Chen was so angry at the sword cultivator's unscrupulous killing methods. He really didn't expect that these practitioners could actually kill people.

"So, you just stand up and condemn me from a moral level. I tell you, Jiang Chen is useless. We can only get rid of all these people. The monsters will no longer have anyone to attack, and they will naturally appear in front of us.."

Jian Xiu insists that there is nothing wrong with his idea. In his opinion, this is what they should do so that they can pass the test.

"ah! Help me, I don’t want to die yet."

At this moment, the Flame Ghost King, who had been standing beside Jian Xiu, took advantage of Jiang Chen not paying attention and grabbed someone again.

"Flame Ghost King, you two are determined to do such a thing, right?"

Jiang Chen glanced at the Flame Ghost King and Sword Cultivator, knowing that these two people would not shed tears without seeing the coffin.

"So what if it is, so what if it is not, your little strength is simply not enough. I advise you to keep it for yourself."

The Flame Ghost King looked at Jiang Chen indifferently, and then his men were instantly set on fire.

"You are seeking death."

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