Seeing Jiang Chen's modesty, Master Tongtian didn't continue to praise him, and just followed silently behind the Qilin cub.

Soon the unicorn cub ran to its destination and stopped there to wait for Jiang Chen.

After Jiang Chen caught up, he immediately jumped into Jiang Chen's arms. Jiang Chen held the Qilin cub and looked at the destination with the Tongtian leader.

"Unexpectedly, after searching for so long, it turned out to be a small island? Sir, tell me, could it be that you made a mistake?"

Jiang Chen did not answer this question. Instead, he patiently looked at the small island and found that the people living on this small island were all human beings.

"Master Tongtian, I think we should ask. There are so many human beings here, but not many monks, or even none. Perhaps the Venerable Xuanming has noticed this, so he is hiding here?"

After listening to Jiang Chen's opinion, Master Tongtian thought about it carefully and felt that it made sense. He nodded, and just like that, the two of them and one dog went to the island.

Jiang Chen looked at the scene of people coming and going on the island. , looked at the Tongtian Cult Leader next to him,"Let's search separately, so we can ask more people, what do you think?""

"Okay, let's decide whether there will be any results at that time. We will still meet here."

Tongtian Cult Master naturally has no objection to Jiang Chen's proposal. He no longer has any expectations from this place. He will continue to ask questions in order to cooperate with Jiang Chen. After searching for a while and finding no clues, Jiang Chen will I'll think of other ways

"Okay, let's see you later."

After the two separated, Jiang Chen hugged the Qilin cub and chose the left path, while Tongtian Cult Master chose the right path.

Jiang Chen touched the Qilin cub's head and asked in his mind,"Are you sure about that Xuan Ming? Is His Holiness on this island?"

The unicorn cub returned angrily,"Master, I didn't expect that you wouldn't believe me. Even if the Tongtian leader doesn't believe me, don't you also believe me?"

Jiang Chen saw that the Qilin cub was really a little angry, so he immediately comforted it and said,"I don't believe you, I'm just asking you. As your master, I naturally trust your judgment. Don't think about it. There are too many, let’s quickly find someone to ask."

The Kirin cub was comforted by Jiang Chen's few words. It lay peacefully in Jiang Chen's arms, waiting for Jiang Chen to find someone to ask. Jiang Chen looked at the people coming and going on the street, and found a person who looked like The relatively kind man asked

"Brother, I would like to ask if there have been any monks on this island in recent days?"

The person who was stopped by Jiang Chen was not angry. After thinking about it seriously, he answered Jiang Chen's question.

"No, there have never been monks on our small island, and no monks have come back here. You must be looking in the wrong place."

After that person finished speaking, he left immediately. Jiang Chen stood there blankly, thinking for a while, and then asked other people without giving up. After getting the same result, Jiang Chen hugged Qilin. The cub returned to the agreed place.

When they arrived, they found that the leader of Tongtian was already waiting for them,"How is it, sir, did you gain anything? Jiang

Chen shook his head,"Could it be that you asked something? Please tell us quickly. We didn't ask anything.""

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