"If I really hand over the Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus to you, will you spare my life?"

Jiang Chen shrugged and looked at Venerable Xuanming,"I've made it clear to you what you need to say. You can decide what to do yourself."

Venerable Xuanming fell into hesitation. After a while, he opened his mouth and said,"In that case, I will hand over this Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus to you."

Following Venerable Xuanming's words, a pure white lotus flower suddenly appeared in his hand. He directly threw the lotus flower into the air, taking the opportunity to attract the attention of Jiang Chen and Tongtian Cult Leader and escape.

Jiang Chen was in After seeing the lotus appear, he immediately used magic to get the lotus in his hand. At the same time, Venerable Xuanming who wanted to take the opportunity to escape was also stopped by the leader of Tongtian.

"Just accept your death!"

After Master Tongtian finished speaking, he immediately used a big move, preparing to kill Venerable Xuanming.

"Lord Tongtian, we have been friends for many years. Seeing that I have handed over the Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus to you, can you let me go?"

Venerable Xuanming has no other choice now. He can't escape. He can only try to beg for mercy and ask Jiang Chen and Master Tongtian to let him go.

Master Tongtian gave him a cold look,"What do you think? Why should I let you go? We have already taken back the Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus, and you even attacked my eldest disciple. What other reason do you think you have for me to let you go?"

His angry roar made Venerable Xuanming tremble. He had never thought about why Jiang Chen and Tongtian Cult Master came here, but now he knew that Xuejian woke up and told them everything, so they He would come looking for him so angrily.

But in order to survive, he had to humbly beg Tongtian Cult Master to show mercy and let him go.

"Master Tongtian, I really know I was wrong. Can you please spare me? I am still valuable. I can become your subordinate and join Tongtian Sect with my strength. Tongtian Sect will definitely be even more powerful in the future!"

After hearing these words, Master Tongtian's expression paused, and the hand that used his killing move stopped.

Upon seeing this, Venerable Xuanming thought that Master Tongtian was moved by his proposal, so he couldn't wait to continue.

"There are many things I can do, but I don't want anything. I will honestly be your subordinate and become your most loyal subordinate, as long as you are willing to give me a chance."

As soon as he finished speaking, Venerable Xuanming was killed by a single blow from the Tongtian Cult. He didn't even close his eyes, as if he didn't know why the Tongtian Cult wanted to kill him.

Jiang Chen had been watching this scene coldly from the side. , regarding the grudges between Master Tongtian and Venerable Xuanming, he never thought about getting involved. His purpose was to get the Ten Thousand Years Snow Lotus.

Since he had got what he wanted, the rest didn't matter..After

Tongtian Cult Master killed Venerable Xuanming, he looked at him silently for a while, then turned around and looked at Jiang Chen

"Sir, do you think I'm cruel? Even though he had begged for mercy, I still took his life?"

Jiang Chen looked at Master Tongtian speechlessly. He was very surprised that Master Tongtian would ask him this question. But since Bing was still in the cooperative relationship, he couldn't say anything nonsense. He just nodded casually and said a few perfunctory words. If Master Tongtian is happy.

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