Having said this, Tongtian Cult Leader seemed to have noticed something and looked at Jiang Chen in confusion.

"My husband asked me what this meant, is he planning to go to the Xuantian Sect? Jiang

Chen nodded,"Since none of you have been to Xuantian Sect yet, I will go and have a look first. Do you have any opinions?""

Tongtian Cult Leader was frightened by Jiang Chen's eyes, and immediately returned nervously

"Naturally, we have no objection. We are just worried about your safety. The reason why we did not go there is because there are many forces that you have to deal with. The second reason is that we are worried about being targeted."

Jiang Chen saw that Tongtian Cult Master was sincerely thinking about him and was not willing to embarrass him, so he stopped asking any more questions.

"I understand, let's go. No matter what happens in the future, just say you don't know. You haven't seen anyone today. Knowing that Jiang

Chen was excusing him, the leader of Tongtian Cult felt warm in his heart. He opened his mouth and said,"Sir, don't worry, I will leave now. If anyone asks about it in the future, I will be dividing the power now.""

After saying that, Master Tongtian turned and left, and soon disappeared in front of Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin.

After a while, Huo Qilin broke the silence,"Master, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for him to return to Tongtian City completely, so that future events will have nothing to do with him. Now we can leave."

After confirming the safety of the leader of Tongtian Cult, Jiang Chen took Fire Qilin and ran towards Tongtian City.

Soon they arrived at the location of Xuantian Cult. Xuantian Cult, which had no one left, was extremely quiet.

Jiang Chen led Fire Qilin was walking in Xuantian Sect. Fire Qilin looked at the things on the ground and clicked his tongue. It sighed at Jiang Chen.

"Master, I really didn’t expect this Xuantian Sect to be so rich. Do you think there will be treasures if we rush over now?"

Jiang Chen looked at Huo Qilin's money-obsessed look, shook his head and laughed,"We are not here this time for those spiritual stones and ordinary treasures. We have to find out if there are any unusual treasures in Xuantian Sect."

Huo Qilin didn't seem to understand, so he followed Jiang Chen to the leader's hall.

After reaching the door, Jiang Chen opened the door and entered, and found that he still had the mark of Xuantian leader.

No wonder everywhere in Xuantian sect They were all looted by the disciples, but the leader's palace escaped unscathed. It turned out to be because of this mark.

Without any effort, Jiang Chen took out the leader's order from Xuantian's leader's storage bag and stuck it on the door. The door of the leader's hall opens automatically

"In a moment, go and pack the valuable things in the leader's palace. This is a storage bag."

Jiang Chen said, and handed the three storage bags prepared in his hand to Huo Qilin, and then walked towards the inner hall.

"I went to look inside, and I always felt like there was something inside that attracted me."

Huo Qilin knew that Jiang Chen was a measured person, so he didn't force him to go with him. He collected the spirit stones outside honestly.

After entering the inner hall, Jiang Chen's feeling became even stronger. He followed the guidance and walked to In front of a stage, he observed carefully and after confirming that there was no danger, he stepped onto the stage.

He took away a blue crystal placed in the center of the stage. In an instant, a wave of fluctuations occurred in the entire Xuantian Sect.

Jiang Chen He looked at the blue crystal in his hand in surprise, not expecting that it was the Xuantian Sect's hair care array.

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