Liantian noticed the interaction between Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin's eyes and felt something was wrong. When Jiang Chen wasn't paying attention, he hid behind Shuijun. When Jiang Chen turned around, he found that Liantian was no longer where he was.

He is not in a hurry. Jiang Chen now wants to watch the battle and give guidance to Huo Qilin. Liantian is not taken seriously by Jiang Chen at all.

"Fire Qilin, you and Shuijun are feuding, and your attributes are incompatible. I won’t say much else. You fight him in your own way first, and I’ll see how strong you are."

Jiang Chen said to Huo Qilin in his mind that he would help Huo Qilin when he couldn't support it anymore. This would be considered as helping Huo Qilin grow.

"Good master, watch out, I will definitely take care of Suicune!"

After Fire Qilin answered Jiang Chen, he rushed towards Shuijun with confidence. In its eyes, except for Jiang Chen, the other monks were not afraid of him.

"I didn't expect that Huo Qilin, who had just grown up in the past few days, would already be so powerful."

Suicune waved the folding fan made of water in his hand and looked at the Fire Qilin with disdain. Even though the Fire Qilin had grown up, in his eyes, it was still not something to be afraid of. If he could defeat the Fire Qilin once, he would be sure If I can defeat Fire Qilin for the second time, I won’t give Fire Qilin a chance to live this time.

"Suicune, please stop pretending here. What is our direct relationship? I think you should know very well. Stop saying those high-sounding words. I will be disgusted by you and can't stand it anymore."

After Fire Qilin finished speaking, he pounced directly on Shuijun and at the same time spit out a fireball from his mouth.

Shuijun's body was flexible and avoided Fire Qilin's body, but he did not escape Fire Qilin's fireball.

Jiang Chen naturally did not. Missing the scene of the water army being hit by a fireball, Jiang Chen laughed very unkindly when he saw Sui Jun whose whole body was on fire.

Without caring about Shui Jun and Liantian who were present, he shouted directly to Fire Qilin,"You do it Very good! Just keep working hard!"

Fire Qilin got encouragement from Jiang Chen and rushed towards Shuijun again. Shuijun had already experienced it once, so naturally he would not be easily fooled again.

Jiang Chen looked at the fierce battle between Fire Qilin and Suijun, and was sure that Fire Qilin had the upper hand. After that, Jiang Chen retracted his heart and looked at Liantian who had been hiding behind Shuijun.

"Even boss, it's not your style to hide behind others all the time. It's time for us to come to an end, what do you think?"

Lian Tian naturally knew that this was Jiang Chen's way of provoking enemies. She had already made up her mind. No matter what Jiang Chen said, she would never leave Shuijun.

"You don't need to provoke me. I won't go out. You might as well wait patiently until their battle is over. It won't be too late for us to fight again."

Jiang Chen saw that Liantian refused to fight, and figured out Liantian's thoughts. He sneered and disappeared in front of Liantian.

When Liantian sensed Jiang Chen again, it was Jiang Chen who was standing behind her.

"Even boss, you can't escape, just suffer death!"

Liantian had escaped Jiang Chen's sneak attack, but he knew in his heart that he couldn't escape this time, so he simply took action and started fighting with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen still attached the fire lotus flame to the knife and used the simplest moves. In the duel with Liantian, Jiang Chen was sure that Liantian's defeat was certain. Now he just wanted to delay time and let Huo Qilin use his skills more proficiently.

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