I have to say that as a big insect, she is not worthy of her huge body. It is undoubtedly very rich in nutrients, and it tastes crunchy and crunchy, which Huo Qilin likes very much.

In just a few mouthfuls, the entire big insect turned into something in the Fire Qilin's belly. It contained huge energy and was fully absorbed by the Fire Qilin.

After a while, the aura of Huo Qilin surged again. The fire on his body began to become invisible and insubstantial, but the aura it exuded was much stronger than before.

Although the appearance has not changed much from before, the strength and aura have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Jiang Chen nodded with great satisfaction and began to review the battle in his mind. Although everything seemed to be a near miss, in fact, he had to say that he had made a mistake unknowingly. Big mistake.

He rushed into this place without any prior investigation, which is why he encountered such a dangerous monster. If he hadn't performed well afterwards and was so meticulous about all kinds of details, he might have missed the mark.

Jiang Chen thought about it with lingering trepidation, and he must be careful not to be so reckless again. At least next time, he will keep an extra 100 million hands of cards.

"Well, there still seems to be something wrong with the surrounding environment, right?"Jiang Chen was about to leave here. He couldn't help but tilt his head when he saw that it still looked like the hut. He always felt that it looked weird here.

He couldn't tell what was strange about it, or he hadn't really realized it clearly yet. The place was weird, but he had already sorted out the internal logic of everything subconsciously.

And when he had the idea of ​​​​leaving, the surrounding environment changed again. This time it was not like the spinning of the earth before, but like Everything in this space was slowly stripped away as if it had lost its color.

Just like a painting in reality, it was easily removed from the current space by the hand of God, and then its original appearance was revealed.

Zhou Dynasty The space has undergone earth-shaking changes, and there are still huts and insect corpses. There is only a very strange flower in front of her. The color of the flower makes people unable to help but fall in love with it, and it also exudes a particularly weird feeling. Taste.

Jiang Chen looked at the flower and kept thinking in his heart, and finally realized as if he had figured out the key. It turned out that all the previous instruments were just false illusions, and they were just the magical effects of this flower.

At the same time, he also discovered There seemed to be an extremely strange connection between himself and the flower. The flower had somehow absorbed the essence of his life without knowing it.

If he hadn't broken through the illusion quickly enough, ordinary people would have If he delays the time a few more days, then the flower will be enough to suck him into a human.

But as he breaks the illusion, the vague connection with the flower begins to be disconnected, and then In addition, how could Jiang Chen, who had already regained consciousness, take the initiative to feed her?

The bond between the two parties was instantly and easily cut off. In an instant, she felt refreshed, and no longer had the unexplained dizziness she had before. She felt faint.

Only then did she realize that there were many white bones around her, and most of the owners of these bones were human practitioners. The bones were all surrounding the flowers, as if they were paying homage to them before they died. Worship him.

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