Seeing the Wood Spirit Pearl flying out, Jiang Chen immediately asked Qilin to use its Kirin True Fire to trap the Wood Spirit Pearl. The Wood Spirit Pearl trapped in the Kirin True Fire frantically hit the cage formed by the Kirin True Fire. Not stopping for a moment.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he immediately arranged a formation to trap the Wood Spirit Pearl to prevent it from escaping again. Having the experience of tracking the Wood Spirit Pearl for the first time, Jiang Chen knew that if he didn't catch the Wood Spirit Pearl when it first came out, it would be difficult to catch it again later.

Not only that, Mu Lingzhu, who was frightened again, would also add a lot of difficulty to himself in the subsequent search. I don't know if I can find it yet. As soon as he thought of this, the speed in his hands accelerated a lot. In almost the blink of an eye, the formation in Jiang Chen's hands had begun to take shape.

It didn't take long for the formation in Jiang Chen's hands to be arranged. As soon as the formation was released, Qilin asked Qilin to put the Wood Spirit Pearl into the formation. Although the Wood Spirit Pearl that had just been transferred to the formation kept hitting the formation, But the formation arranged by Jiang Chen was motionless. Since Jiang Chen arranged the formation to trap the Wood Spirit Pearl, how could the formation be so fragile and unable to withstand the impact of the Wood Spirit Pearl.

If the formation is not strong, all this effort will be in vain, so Jiang Chen will not let the wooden spirit bead crash into the formation and run away.

The Five Elements Spiritual Beads have already produced spiritual wisdom, so they drove the tree demon to attack Jiang Chen during the previous tracking, blocking Jiang Chen's tracking speed and giving him more time to escape. However, this time he couldn't The spirit bead was trapped by the formation, and it could no longer drive the tree demon to attack Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen trapped the Mu Ling Bead, held it in his hand, and looked at the Mu Ling Bead. This Wood Ling Bead was a green bead, as big as a baby's fist, and very heavy. It had just opened. The bead became his magic weapon. Jiang Chen cut a small incision on the frost with his index finger and dripped the blood on the wood spirit bead.

When the blood just touched the wood spirit bead, the wood spirit bead The green light scattered, making the originally dark and silent forest become as bright as day, and it took a full quarter of an hour before it returned to its original appearance.

The Mu Lingzhu also successfully recognized its owner. Jiang Chen successfully subdued the Mu Lingzhu. From this moment on, Jiang Chen had another magic weapon in his hand. Because the vision he had when he recognized his owner was too obvious, Jiang Chen had no time to detect it. The Wood Spirit Bead had some magical uses, so he put it away. Jiang Chen had to leave as soon as possible to avoid visitors until he found the Wood Spirit Bead.

I took out the map and looked at it. The next place on the map that was relatively close to the Five Forests of Silence was where the Water Spirit Bead was located, which was the Land of Water Spirit. After Jiang Chen identified the direction, he took Qilin to the next destination, the land of water spirit. as expected. Not long after Jiang Chen left the Forest of Silence, a group of people arrived. Judging from the decoration, they seemed to be people from the Immortal Sect. The leader was a powerful monk. If Jiang Chen left a little later, then he would have found The matter of conquering the Wood Lingzhu is about to be discovered.

Not only that, there will be a big battle, and it is a matter of two questions whether he can save the Wood Spirit Pearl in the end. Fortunately, Jiang Chen acted decisively and did not indulge in the joy of conquering the Wood Spirit Pearl. Instead, he made a prompt decision and left. Forest of Silence. This avoids the latter.

Not long after, another group of people came. Seeing the people from the Immortal Sect here, they all thought it was the people from the Immortal Sect who had obtained the Wood Spirit Pearl. The people from the Immortal Sect didn't bother to explain, so they turned around and left.

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