But no one said that Feng Lingzhu could actually run away on its own, and at this moment, he felt that the invisible connection was completely broken.

Jiang Chen, who had lost his direction, immediately felt anxious in his heart. He quickly sent out his spiritual consciousness, but found no trace of the Wind Spirit Pearl around him.

Jiang Chen was really scared now. If the Wind Lingzhu kept hiding from him, would he have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to succeed?

Realizing that things could not develop like this, Jiang Chen quickly searched around for the location of the Wind Spirit Pearl, and after spending a lot of time, he actually discovered the other party again.

Even if the Wind Lingzhu can move freely, it has certain limitations, which gives Jiang Chen the best opportunity to capture it. He also noticed some patterns from the opponent's previous performance.

First of all, it is absolutely impossible for the Wind Spirit Pearl to leave the Water Spirit Land. Even after the barrier is broken, it cannot do this step. Or it may be possible, but the distance is too long, and he can do it in one go. The moving distance is very limited, so it is basically impossible to achieve it.

After each move, the Wind Lingzhu needs to wait for a period of time before it can move again. In other words, as long as Jiang Chen finds the Wind Lingzhu during this time, he can catch the opponent in his hands.

After taking some time to understand all this, Jiang Chen finally found the traces of the Wind Spirit Pearl again, so this time he didn't hesitate and ran up and grabbed the Wind Spirit Pearl.

The moment he held the Wind Lingzhu, he could feel countless wind pressure coming from his hands. These wind pressures were all caused by the Wind Lingzhu. Although Jiang Chen was holding it in his hand at this moment, he was not holding it so easily. were recovered.

Once the time is up, Feng Lingzhu can still use his own mechanism to escape from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen obviously understood this very well, but he couldn't find any reasonable way to recover the Wind Spirit Pearl for a while, so he could only adopt the simplest and crudest method of forcibly suppressing it!

All the power in the body is gathered in the palm of the hand, and seals are blessed by Jiang Chen on the Wind Spirit Pearl. Although these seals can be maintained for a very short time, they can prevent it from overturning the world for a moment.

Feng Lingzhu was used to living a free life and did not want to have an extra master for no reason, so she instinctively wanted to resist Jiang Chen's control.

The wind spiritual pressure absorbed in the past was released by it, forming a powerful shock wave that cleared away those weak seals in an instant, and then he wanted to get out directly.

Jiang Chen was also startled by this sudden move. If she hadn't subconsciously grabbed the Wind Lingzhu with her backhand, the opponent might have actually escaped with this move.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Chen finally felt that Feng Lingzhu lived up to his previous performance, and knew that this was the best time to suppress the opponent directly.

It was he who tried his best to suppress Feng Lingzhu with his own power, but in the face of such a force, even if Feng Lingzhu really wanted to break through, he couldn't do this step. In addition, he was not really born. Spiritual intelligence is just an existence driven by instinct.

So after only a few seconds of stalemate, the Wind Lingzhu finally no longer jumped away like before, but stayed quietly in Jiang Chen's hands.

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