Jiang Chen felt relieved when he saw that all the monsters fell down one after another.

At the same time, he also truly saw the power of the Fire Lingzhu. Fortunately, the Fire Qilin had successfully absorbed the power of the Fire Lingzhu before, allowing them to successfully escape at this moment.

After all the monsters fell down, Jiang Chen immediately summoned Fire Qilin to come to him,"Good job Qilin! You have grown a lot!" Jiang Chen squatted down, hugged Fire Qilin, touched his head, and felt relieved. Smooth his shiny hair to show encouragement to him.

Seeing that Huo Qilin has become stronger, the corners of his eyes are full of smiles, and he is smiling at Huo Qilin.

"Okay, Qilin, let's continue on our way."

After saying that, Jiang Chen stood up, put away his weapons, circulated the Qi in his body, and easily jumped onto the branch with one stride. Fire Qilin also followed behind him and jumped onto the branch.

Jiang Chen and Fire Qilin continued to start. Moving forward, heading towards their initial destination - the Land of Water Spirits.

Time passed by, Jiang Chen quickly shuttled between the trees with the Fire Qilin. Looking from a distance, he could only vaguely see two Shadows flickered between each tree, one green and one fiery red.

Just like that, not long after, Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin finally arrived. In this way, Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin broke in all the way and arrived at the deepest part of the Water Spirit Land.

As soon as Jiang Chen landed, he began to check the surrounding environment. He felt something was wrong. There were many big trees along the way, but they were not as big as the big trees here.

In the deepest part of this watery land, there were huge trees. The big tree stands on the ground, going straight into the sky, with no end as far as the eye can see. It is so thick that it may take more than thirty people to hug it, but it may not be able to hold it. It is also green, and the leaves are bright green. , shining directly under the sun, but this kind of lushness full of vitality has an indescribable sense of weirdness.

Jiang Chen felt this strange sense of weirdness. The lushness of these big trees was so weird, It was too abnormal.

Jiang Chen did not dare to take anything lightly. He carefully examined these strange plants. He carefully observed these huge plants. Suddenly he remembered that this phenomenon seemed to be recorded in that ancient book. He had already seen it. I've seen it before, but now I can't remember the ancient books over there.

So Jiang Chen carefully wrote down the characteristics of these plants, and will take a closer look when he goes back later.

Fire Qilin didn't wander around this time, and didn't smell the flowers. Instead, it has been following Jiang Chen, clinging to his feet. Wherever Jiang Chen goes, it will follow him.

People and animals just keep exploring like this. The surroundings are too quiet, and there is not even a sound of insect chirping. There were no sounds of birds and birds.

Jiang Chen didn't dare to be careless at all. This place was really weird.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

Suddenly a huge magical beast poked out from the bushes, killing Jiang Chen and Huo Huo. Qilin was startled and hurried away.

Jiang Chen took a closer look and saw that it was a powerful monster guarding the water spirit bead. It was several times larger than the monsters they had encountered before. Its eyes were like The two had the same bloody mouth, so they were very cautious.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen knew that he could not sit still and wait for death, so he immediately joined forces with the Fire Qilin to attack the monster. After several hours of fighting, they finally defeated the monster.

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