Although it was the first time to use the power of the five-star spirit bead, Jiang Chen still used this power very well. This blow was quite powerful. Jiang Chen used his spiritual consciousness to hit it, and it was the most powerful blow. This really surprised the ancient god and frightened him. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to be able to use this power so well.

I didn't expect this force to be so powerful. Biting his lips tightly, Gu Shen tried not to spit it out. But he still couldn't hold it back, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from the ancient god's mouth. He coughed several more times uncontrollably, and Gu Shen gasped for breath.

The blow just now caused a lot of heavy damage to the ancient god's consciousness. Fortunately, the ancient god was not that unbearable and could hold on for a while. If it had been anyone else, with such serious damage to his consciousness, he might have died long ago. Of course, the ancient god is not a vegetarian, and dying is not enough.

But the impact this time was too strong, and the damage was considerable. The ancient god's head hurts so much now, he really suffered a lot of damage. The tentacles surrounding Jiang Chen were blown to pieces, leaving only a severed limb. Severed limbs can be regenerated, but there is no need to regenerate them.

Those black tentacles seemed to be afraid of something, shrinking back. Soon, all the black tentacles retracted. Now that the Ancient God has suffered a heavy blow, there is no time to deal with it. Right now, while the ancient god was seriously injured and unable to react. Jiang Chen did not choose to continue the attack, but looked at Huo Qilin. Now is a good time to save the Fire Qilin. Not caring about anything else, Jiang Chen hurried to Huo Qilin's side.

In just a few strokes, the remaining tentacles wrapped around the Fire Qilin were cut off. Huo Qilin is still doing well, and has not been tortured to the point of disgrace. Ji Zi tore the tentacles apart and casually slid the tentacle fragments off Fire Qilin's body. Jiang Chen quickly picked up Huo Qilin and laid Huo Qilin's head on his lap.

The ancient god just watched helplessly as Jiang Chen rescued Huo Qilin. He was extremely angry, but Vulcan had no choice. Now he has not recovered yet, and his consciousness is seriously damaged. Even if he could only watch Huo Qilin being rescued, there was nothing he could do.

So what can be done? Who allowed himself to be careless?

Lifting up the weak Huo Qilin, Jiang Chen looked at it with distress."I'm sorry for making you feel wronged." Jiang Chen's eyes were full of tears. He buried his head in the fire unicorn's mane and gently caressed the fire unicorn's back with his palms.

Fire Qilin snorted and shook his head a few times. Yonglian rubbed Jiang Chen's head and looked at Jiang Chen tenderly. That way is like saying, I'm fine, don't worry about me. Jiang Chen also looked at Huo Qilin gently and smiled, with tears in his smile.

Now is not the time for children to love each other, and the ancient god has not been completely defeated yet. Now is the time when the ancient god is weak, so we must take advantage of this moment to kill it completely. At this moment, the ancient god is still relatively weak and unable to fight back.

Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin must quickly find a way to completely defeat the ancient god. Only in this way can they refuse to accept the opportunity. If they continue to insist on all the changes that will happen, it will be very detrimental to all of them.

Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts without saying anything. After briefly treating Huo Qilin's injuries, Huo Qilin stood up.

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