Jiang Chen didn't negotiate with him and directly placed a money bag in the hands of the information merchant.

The intelligence merchant took the money bag, opened it, looked at it, and smiled with satisfaction.

It seems that this young man is quite generous with his actions.

"I just want to pay for information on the underground black market, and you don’t have to worry about anything else."

When Jiang Chen saw the intelligence businessman's eyes wide open for money, he knew what he was thinking.

Seeing that his intentions were seen through, the intelligence businessman laughed awkwardly.

"The underground black market you mentioned is very complicated and there are many extremely vicious people there."The intelligence merchant first explained the situation clearly to Jiang Chen.

He didn't want such a young man to die in the black market without receiving anything.

"Then what? Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows,"So what do you want to express?""

"Young people should not die easily."The intelligence merchant sighed. His tone was full of regret.

Jiang Chen smiled. We still don't know who will die.

"Just collect money and do the work," Jiang Chen said,"Hurry up and tell me the entrance to the black market. Otherwise, I will take this money bag back."

"Don't, don't, don't!"Seeing Jiang Chen's attitude of trying to rob him, the intelligence merchant quickly begged for mercy,"I said that's it! Don't touch my money bag!"

"The entrance to the underground black market you want to go to is on the outskirts of Sin City."

"You go west and when you reach the outskirts, you will see a big stone. If you knock the stone three times, a tunnel will appear leading to the underground black market.

Jiang Chen nodded:"Is there anything else?" Say something more? The intelligence merchant shook his head:"

No, you better be careful." Good luck to you."

Jiang Chen chuckled, and then walked out of the hut with Huo Qilin.

Following the information given by the intelligence dealer, he walked west to the outskirts of Sin City.

The outskirts were desolate, and it didn't look like a black market where anyone would enter.

Jiang Chen looked around and frowned:"Do you think this is where we are going?"

There was no one else beside him, only Fire Qilin.

Naturally, Fire Qilin couldn't say anything, and just rubbed Jiang Chen's hand with his head.

After searching for a long time, he found a big stone among a bunch of wild weeds.

The stone was covered with strange lines.

Jiang Chen took one look at it and raised his hand to knock three times.

There was only a"bang" sound, and a dark hole appeared behind the stone.

Jiang Chen was on it. After looking at it, he could barely see clearly that there were steps leading down to the cave.

He chanted a formula, and then a small cluster of jumping flames appeared on his fingertips, illuminating the steps in front of him.

"Come up."Jiang Chen turned his head and said to Huo Qilin beside him.

Huo Qilin understood, and then his body gradually became smaller, and he jumped onto Jiang Chen's shoulders.

Jiang Chen walked down the steps.

The tunnel was not big, and it seemed that it could only accommodate a few people. It looked like he was passing through.

Jiang Chen walked along the crooked tunnel for a while, and saw a faint light in front of him.

It seemed that he was almost there.

When Jiang Chen came to the exit of the tunnel, the front suddenly became open.

In front of the underground black market There was also a gate.

There were two guards guarding the gate.

Jiang Chen thought for a while and walked towards the gate.

However, just as he reached the gate, the two guards stopped him:"Stop! What to do! Jiang

Chen raised his head and looked at them strangely:"Of course I'm here to do business. Do you have any rules here?""

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