This move created a lot of noise, and everyone in the black market couldn't help but come around to check it out. Jiang Chen and the Fire Qilin were surrounded, and the surrounding area was suffocating.

In fact, there was not such a big movement, but the two guards burned to death by the fire unicorn were from the Eagle Claw Gang. Everyone has a clear idea of ​​what kind of organization the Eagle Claw Gang is.

This organization is not something to be trifled with. It rarely kills or loots, doesn't do anything, and relies on its large number of people to bully people everywhere. Afterwards, they have to act like they are reasonable, but they are obviously just as reasonable as robbers.

The two guards were from the Eagle Claw Gang. With the Eagle Claw Gang's status here, Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin were of course unable to avoid trouble, and were soon surrounded by other members of the Eagle Claw Gang.

Seeing that members of his gang were killed, the first reaction of the leader of the gang was not distress, regret, resentment, or sadness. Instead, the corners of his lips were raised slightly and he couldn't hold back a smile.

When they see a member of their gang die, their first reaction is, come to life, now there is something fun again. A group of heartless people who don't care even if the people around them die in front of them, and even feel happy.

They looked at each other and exchanged glances. One of them suddenly knelt down in front of the corpse and pretended to cry. In fact, it was just thunder and no rain, and he was not really sad.

"oops! Brother! You died so miserably! Why is it just gone? How can you let me live by myself?"The exaggerated acting skills pretended to be sad, and even the acting was so unskilled. After crying for a while, the lead brother pretended to pat the shoulder of the person inside,"Oh, I'll forgive you."After a few simple words of comfort, he raised his face and looked at Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin.

"Look, what can you do? You have killed someone, and see for yourselves, how sad their brothers are crying! Can you just bear to watch him in pain like this?"They were obviously not sad, but they still pretended to be sad. Jiang Chen really felt they were disgusting.

Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin looked at the leader and said nothing. The man said again,"You are so disgusting! What crime did the two of them commit? How do you want to understand their lives?"The righteous words on his face are actually far less sage and careless than they appear.

"We don't mean to blame you. People can't be resurrected. No matter what we say, you people will never come back. It's better to be like this, he is so pitiful. If you pay some compensation and give us a few kowtows, this matter will be over."

It's clear that he just wants to bully people, and he speaks so righteously, as expected of the Eagle Claw Gang, so shameless and shameful. Of course Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin will not tolerate such bullying for no reason.

"So what if we say no?"Jiang Chen said coldly. The leader laughed as if he heard some joke."No? You kill someone and you still say no? OK, then just wait to die!"After saying that, he waved.

Everyone was ready to attack Jiang Chen and Huo Qilin, but these people were stupid because they were too ignorant and didn't know the power of Huo Qilin. Huo Qilin couldn't hold back, and he didn't need to Shinobi breathed out a ball of fire and burned the leader to death.

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