"Are you Mr. Jiang Chen? Hello, I am Wang Xiao. You can call me Wang Xiao directly."

This guide is very polite, because in his eyes, everyone he receives is his"guest". Besides, this Jiang Chen still has to find a professional intelligence dealer.

"Um."Jiang Chen didn't have any psychological changes when he learned that the person leading the way was called Wang Xiao.

"Sir, please come to me and I will take you to a specialized information dealer."Wang Xiao said with a smile, and bent down slightly to make a gesture of invitation.

Jiang Chen nodded and didn't say much.

Then, Jiang Chen and Wang Xiao walked into the black market.

Looking for On the way to the specialized intelligence dealer, Wang Xiao also talked about what the transactions in this black market are like.

This black market is also divided into levels. The front part entering from the gate is the cheaper transactions, which are for those who are not very wealthy. Rich people do business.

However, the further you go inside, the more expensive the items are, which also shows the status of the people who come to buy and sell. This is because people who go further inside have been doing business in the black market for many years. Such a status.

Wang Xiao told Jiang Chen that the location of the intelligence dealer he was looking for was quite inside, and the journey would be relatively long.

Jiang Chen heard what Wang Xiao said and knew that the black market was not as simple as he thought, and what he was looking for was Intelligence traders are not simple either.

Jiang Chen looked at the stalls in the black market. Some were selling diamonds, crystals, antiques, art paintings and some unnamed things, weird things. He was thinking about the stalls inside. There will be drugs sold.

There are quite a lot of people here, maybe because the goods here are not of good quality but because they are cheap. After walking around, passing many stalls, I came to an inconspicuous stall.

Wang Xiao took Jiang Chen went in and opened the curtain in front of him, and there was actually a door. Jiang Chen was not too surprised, after all, these people were mysterious. When he opened the door and went in, there was a long corridor, and there were another door on the roadside. The two came to the fifth door. There was a sign on the door with two words"Intelligence" written on it. It seemed that Jiang Chen knew that the specialized intelligence dealer he was looking for was inside.

Wang Xiao knocked on the door..

A few seconds later, the voice of"Please come in" came from inside, and he opened the door and went in with Jiang Chen.

Inside was a desk and several tables. There were not many things, but the decoration inside made Jiang Chen I felt that this room was really different from the outside just now. It was a different world.

The businessman asked the two of them to sit down first before discussing.

Jiang Chen sat down directly without being polite, while Wang Xiao just stood aside, planning to wait for them to discuss.

"Hello, I am an information merchant, who are you?"The intelligence businessman asked

"I'm Jiang Chen, no need to be polite, I just want the information I want. Hopefully soon."Jiang Chen's calm tone allowed the merchant to see that he was a man who had seen the world. Otherwise, he would not be so calm, so he stopped talking politely to Jiang Chen.

Next, Jiang Chen and the merchant discussed again, and Wang Xiao just stood aside and listened to their conversation without saying anything, because he was just the leader and did not dare to interrupt.

At this time, a pounding sound alerted the three people in the room. Looking around, they saw that the door was closed by a The person was kicked and broke in half. It seemed that this person was quite strong. The person who broke the door seemed to be about 1.8 meters tall, with muscles on his body and dark skin, and he looked very ferocious. He looked at Wang Xiao with a ferocious look.

He looked at Wang Xiao and said,"Wang Xiao! I'm going to take your life today! Today is your memorial day!"

It seems that this inexplicable man should be Wang Xiao's enemy, but he just happened to meet him here and wanted Wang Xiao's life.

Jiang Chen thought to himself, he did not expect to meet Wang Xiao's enemy.

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