Seeing this situation, Jiang Chen sneered, and without saying anything, he took Fire Qilin with him, and then entered the auction venue. The auction venue was crowded with people, and the clothes and temperaments of the people inside looked very extraordinary. , you must know that at such a large auction, it is not like a smaller auction at all.

It is very likely that they are some unscrupulous people, but all the people who come here for such a large-scale auction are famous nobles. When faced with such a situation, Jiang Chen did not show any fear. She just continued to walk into the venue with anger. Since she had already bought the ticket, the next step was to find her seat.

At this moment, Jiang Chen had already found his seat. In order not to make himself too conspicuous, Jiang Chen did not buy those good VIP seats, but just booked a small box. Then Jiang Chen came here. Inside a small box.

Looking down from this small box, you can overlook the entire venue. Jiang Chen could also clearly see what these people were doing and some of their actions when facing such a situation.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything else, he just quietly watched what was about to happen and looked forward to the auction, which would soon be held as scheduled.

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly saw a few waiters coming outside the door. These waiters looked sneaky. As soon as they came in, they knocked on the door and then showed a smile to the sponsor. , seeing this waiter walking in suddenly, Jiang Chen felt a little unprepared.

After all, he had never delivered any service. What did this waiter want to do when he suddenly came over? Seemingly sensing Jiang Chen's doubts, the waiter quickly explained to Jiang Chen with a smile.

"You are our advanced user. This time you come to us, we have also specially prepared VIP services for you. I just want to ask you if there is anything you need, or whether Is there anything I can do to help?"

Then he said such a sentence, Jiang Chen couldn't help but feel a little doubtful that he had just booked an ordinary box, with such a dedicated waiter to receive it.

This was simply something that made him... It seemed unbelievable. The waiter might have some other purpose for coming here. Therefore, after the waiter said such words, Jiang Chen did not make an immediate conclusion at that time. He just took a fancy to the waiter. Obviously he didn't believe what the waiter said. Huo Qilin who was standing aside even sneered after hearing what the waiter said.

"To me, they are not waiters at all, and there are relatively few waiters here. The only waiters are there to receive VIP customers, and we are just ordinary customers. I want to see them come to our place. The person in the box must have some evil intentions. He may be interested in our money or other things."

Huo Qilin spoke directly and completely. After hearing what Huo Qilin said, Jiang Chen couldn't help but nodded, because he felt that what Huo Qilin said did make sense.

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