"What expressions do you two have? This matter can only succeed and cannot fail. If it fails, you should think about the consequences of this matter yourself.……"

A few days ago, those subordinates who were bullied came back and told the entire team about the powerful Jiang Chen, saying how powerful, fierce, and flexible he was, which led to all of his subordinates hating him. Keep a respectful distance.

Military discipline had begun to waver. He would never allow such a thing to happen, so he yelled at his loved ones and asked them to complete the matter.

Only in this way would his subordinates participate in this battle with an all-out attitude. He did not want these people to fail the mission and then come back to report everywhere to give Jiang Chen prestige.

Jiang Chen finally got out of Fire Qilin's base. This time he came out and found that there were really many treasures in this forest. He had never found them in this place before. Not only were there herbal bags, but there were also some big mushrooms, and Cute little bird or something.

You can't see anything like this in the Fire Qilin Base, so when he came out, it was like seeing a new world. He was very happy, but at the same time, he did not forget his mission, which was to find herbs.

"Fire Qilin, Fire Qilin, come and take a look."Jiang Chen seemed to have suddenly discovered something extraordinary. He greeted Huo Qilin loudly and hurried over to take a look.

Huo Qilin originally thought it was something to make a fuss about, but when he got closer and looked at what he was holding, He was very surprised.

Jiang Chen took the super big mushroom in his hand and carefully compared it with the one in the book:"Do you think this looks like the Ganoderma lucidum on the tree? The book said it is connected to the surface of this thing. It is very smooth, the roots are relatively hard, and its wrinkles are also very evenly distributed, and the color will become lighter and lighter from the inside to the outside... But the Ganoderma lucidum on the tree grows straight, why is this crooked? It must be No, throw it away!"

Huo Qilin immediately picked up the thing, as if he was holding something delicate. He said:"This is Ganoderma lucidum, but it may have been bent because of the heavy rain recently, but It doesn't matter, its nutrition and its purpose have not changed, put this away quickly."I didn't expect to find even such hard-to-find things.

Since they didn't find Polygonum multiflorum and other very useful things, they put them all in their bags. When they were going back happily with their own things, they encountered something very familiar. People with makeup and very familiar clothes.

Based on the last experience, Jiang Chen quickly recognized that these people were from the Wu clan. With such a unique national custom, it was impossible for him to mistake them again.

Those few people When a man from the Wu clan saw the two of them, he fiercely rushed at him with his own weapon, like a wolf that hadn't eaten for a long time and saw its prey.

Jiang Chen was afraid that they would hurt him and that he had worked so hard to find it. He picked up the bamboo sticks on the ground, then picked them up and hit those people.

But none of those people's movements hit Jiang Chen. His reaction was really... It was too fast, and everyone evaded it.

As a result, while Jiang Chen was still in full condition, the Wu clan people began to beg for mercy. Jiang Chen felt that their courage was commendable, and their apology skills were also top-notch.

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