Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

256 Young Master Shenlong Is Not Alone

"That's true, the only one in this world who can care about our common people so much is Mr. Shenlong."

"Who says it's not, all these years, Mr. Shenlong has not given anything to the common people.

Every year, festivals, or from time to time, I will give you some chicken, beef, mutton, and silver taels...  "

"Yes, yes, that time, those rich households in the city who committed crimes and misdemeanors were killed, and Mr. Shenlong beat us up, forget about us, and prevent everyone from getting some benefits!"

"Over the years, the population of our mountain villages has grown more and more, and everyone has enough food and clothing. It's not thanks to Mr. Shenlong's care!"


As soon as he talked about Young Master Shenlong, many people immediately echoed and praised Young Master Shenlong.

It is not difficult to say that these people should be the villagers at the foot of Shenlong Mountain, and they usually receive the favor of Mr. Shenlong.

Lin Yixue shook her head helplessly and chuckled lightly as the audience talked lively.

Young Master Shenlong, are you so evil? I'm afraid it's about the same as the hero of the green forest, right?

Regarding this Young Master Shenlong, Lin Yixue had really read about it in a wild history book.

In fact, Young Master Shenlong is far less miraculous than they say.

It is said that they are a group of green forest heroes who set up camp on Shenlong Mountain. They usually rob the rich and help the poor, punish the evil and promote the good.

Lin Yixue had no intention of continuing to listen to the discussion about the mysterious Young Master Shenlong, she stood up slowly, thinking about going to the backyard to see the child she took in last night, her condition should be fine.

Lin Yixue raised her head inadvertently, glanced over from the corner of her eye, and suddenly the two people in the corner caught her attention.

Both of them are about twenty years old, with dark skin, and they look like people who often spend time in the wild.

An older one, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a small scar on the brow bone.

One is younger, more handsome, with a mole on the chin.

In fact, what attracted Lin Yixue's attention was not the characteristics of the two people's appearance, but the expressions of the two people.

Now everyone here is gathered around Yi Cheng, they are more interested in asking questions about Mr. Shenlong.

These two people sat coldly outside the crowd, looking at the heavy rain outside, muttering something in a low voice, as if they were in a hurry and hurried on their way.

Lin Yixue was so focused on observing the two older people that she didn't notice that another person ran over in the rain.

"Benefactor, genius doctor, you are really the reincarnation of Hua Tuo!"

The middle-aged man ran past, knelt down in front of Lin Yixue with a "plop" excitedly, and knocked his head on the ground endlessly.

The sudden action of the middle-aged man startled Lin Yixue,

After a while, Lin Yixue came to her senses and stepped forward to help the man up.

"Brother, get up quickly, you really don't have to be so polite.

These are just a little effort, I can't afford your gratitude, you should hurry back and take care of the children. "

Lin Yixue struggled for a long time, but the man just didn't want to get up, even Pearl came over to help, but the man still didn't get up, so Wuzi lay on the ground and kowtowed endlessly.

"Our Xiaodouzi is fine now, his face is ruddy, and he was just crying about being hungry." The middle-aged man said with a sob,

"Genius doctor, our little Douzi was able to save his life, but it's all thanks to you. We ordinary people really don't know how to do anything else, so please help me and let me kowtow for you a few more times."

"Oh, this miracle doctor, you saved the lives of other children, you deserve these few heads, just let him kowtow, so that he will feel at ease."

"That's right, Xiaodouzi was lucky enough to meet a miracle doctor!"

"Yes, yes, it's really not easy. I didn't expect to have such powerful medical skills at such a young age."


Everyone abandoned Mr. Shenlong at this moment, and praised Lin Yixue again.

In the end, although the middle-aged man got up, Lin Yixue really felt a little embarrassed to be surrounded by the crowd and unable to get out.

"Okay, okay, the matter is over, everyone, let's go! Let's go!"

Although Mu Ze was standing in the middle and had already dispatched people for a long time, everyone still had no intention of leaving.

At the critical moment, fortunately, Wei Dayong appeared in time and explained to everyone with a smile:

"It's not easy to find a miracle doctor. We must protect her well. Do you think this is the reason?"

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Lin Yi worked hard enough to treat the children yesterday, but we have to work harder and spend more time in the epidemic area to save the villagers.

At this time, do we need to let him go back to the house to rest quickly, everyone agree? "

"Okay!" Everyone said, obediently making way for Lin Yixue.

To be honest, even though Lin Yixue didn't have a good impression of Wei Dayong, at this moment, in her heart, she still sincerely thanked him for helping her out.

Finally back in the room, Lin Yixue couldn't sleep, half leaned on the bed reading a book, and chatted with Pearl in the room.

"Brother Yi, I think Wei Dayong doesn't seem to have any problems, right? Did he save us just now?" Pearl looked at Lin Yixue and asked softly.

"I hope so. I also hope that he has no problems. I am overthinking." Lin Yixue replied with a light sigh.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Yi, do you think that Mr. Shenlong is really as powerful as they say?" Pearl saw that Lin Yixue still didn't like Wei Dayong, so she quickly changed the subject.

"I don't know if it is so powerful, but it is very likely that it is a group of green forest heroes who rob the rich and give to the poor."

"Ah, that's impossible, right? Shouldn't the common people hate someone who looks like a hero in the forest? Why are they calling him a patron saint?" Pearl asked incredulously.

"Yes, this is the uniqueness of Mr. Shenlong.

I read it in a book, saying that this Young Master Shenlong is indeed very mysterious, and no one has ever seen his true face for so many years.

The reason why the local people honored him as Young Master Shenlong was because he understood the importance of the people.

Every time after property is robbed, part of it will be sent to the local people.

In other words, the reason why the local people in such a poor place are able to have ample clothing and live a life in a paradise is all due to his protection. "

"No way, how can he protect the folks who live in these ten miles and eight villages by himself?"

"So, according to my guess, it is very possible that Mr. Shenlong is not a person, but a gang. To be precise, it should be called the Shenlong Gang.

Everyone in this gang claims to be Mr. Shenlong when they go out. "

"Oh, so that's the case."

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