Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

323 Is She a Devil or an Angel?

The reason why Shen Miao hasn't chased Jing Niang away is because she thinks that Jing Niang is old after all, it's really pitiful, and she really has no place to go after leaving here.

Second, after all, Shen Miao has no definite evidence to prove that she is sick, and Jing Niang is the culprit.

Although, the excuse Shen Miao gave was that he was seriously ill and wanted to drink some light porridge.

However, what she did with Qing Shui was already so obvious, and Niang Jing should have felt it too.

In the past few days, it is obvious that he rarely shows up in front of her.

But, at this time, Jing Niang appeared, why?

"I just want to feed her medicine. If the village owner doesn't believe me, but still let Qingshui take charge of boiling the medicine, I'm only responsible for feeding the medicine, and when feeding, you can always supervise it. It's fine if I do anything. .”

Jing Niang looked at Shen Miao sincerely, and continued to speak calmly.

"Actually, the village owner should be very clear, if this continues, Mr. Lin is really hopeless.

Instead of watching her die, why not let me try.

Besides, under your nose, what do you think I, an old woman, might do? "

"No, Jing Niang, why? I want to know what you are doing for it? Why are you doing this?" Shen Miao asked repeatedly in disbelief.

She really couldn't figure out what Jing Niang was planning.

Isn't this self-defeating? At the moment when they suspected her, Jing Niang unexpectedly came to the door and asked for medicine.

As everyone knows, in this Shenlong village, the person who doesn't believe in Jingniang the most is Lin Yixue.

"It's just because I was once a mother, and I also have a heart of repaying gratitude." Jing Niang stared at Shen Miao without blinking, and said firmly.

To be honest, Jing Niang at this time was indeed surrounded by a kind of maternal radiance, which hurt Shen Miao's eyes.

Not knowing whether he was overwhelmed by this halo or really forced by the situation, Shen Miao thought for a while, and nodded in agreement.

"The village master can't..." Seeing this scene, Qing Shui hurriedly stopped him.

"Bring the medicine here, let Jing Niang try it!" Shen Miao said with a soft sigh.

In fact, Shen Miao knew very well in her heart that Lin Yixue would really be done for if the fire continued like this. I'm afraid it would really be like what Wang Taiyi said, even Immortal Da Luo couldn't save her, and she had to prepare for her funeral.

Instead of this, it would be better to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor and let Jing Niang have a try.

Maybe Jing Niang really has some good ideas.

Qing Shui looked at Shen Miao for a long time, and saw that the village owner had made up his mind, so he curled his lips and obediently brought the medicine over.

"Mother, don't go, don't go, please, wait for Xueer, Xueer wants to go with you."

At this time, Lin Yixue was lying on the bed, terrified again, kicking and shouting indiscriminately.


Shen Miao whispered, and rushed over, trying to appease Lin Yixue, but Lin Yixue didn't buy it at all, and resisted desperately, her hands kept scratching and dancing, scratching Shen Miao's neck.

"Xue'er is good, mother is here, Xue'er is obedient, don't make trouble." Jing Niang calmly walked to the bed, sat down, and said softly.

What surprised Shen Miao and Qing Shui was that Jing Niang's voice was completely different from her usual tone and speed.

If you only listen to the voice and don't look at the person, you will feel that this is completely different from the usual Jing Niang, she is simply another person.

Jing Niang softly comforted her, and stretched out her hand to gently tidy up the messy hair on Lin Yixue's forehead.

"Xue'er is good, be obedient, don't make trouble, and sleep well!" Jing Niang said softly, as if she was coaxing a baby in swaddle.

It was really strange to say that Lin Yixue really calmed down slowly.

Shen Miao and Qing Shui who were watching this scene were stunned for a while.

They really couldn't figure out what magic this Jing Niang had cast on Lin Yixue to make her suddenly so obedient.

"Where's the medicine? Bring it here." Jing Niang didn't pay attention at all, Shen Miao and Qing Shui looked curiously, stretched out their hands, and asked as a matter of course.

"Oh..., the medicine...the medicine is here!" Qing Shui was stunned for a moment, and quickly handed over the medicine bowl.

Jing Niang carefully blew a few mouthfuls, let the medicine cool down, and then carefully delivered it to Lin Yixue's mouth.

"Xue'er, be good, come and drink the medicine! Xue'er is a good boy, if you are sick, you should drink the medicine well, understand?" Niang Jing coaxed again.

At this time, Jing Niang was extremely gentle, and the eyes she looked at Lin Yixue were full of maternal love.

Those who don't know must think that the one lying on the bed is her underage child.

A miraculous scene appeared, Lin Yixue really opened her mouth and drank

"You...you..." Seeing this scene, Shen Miao opened her mouth in disbelief.

She really didn't know how to describe Jing Niang at this time.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a devil, because her behavior and voice are completely different from her usual appearance.

It seems reasonable to say that she is an angel, because this voice, this behavior, is completely a kind mother who loves her child.

Shenlong Juli, under Jing Niang's careful care, Lin Yixue's condition was finally under control, and her life was out of danger.

Two flowers bloom, each representing a branch.

With the disappearance of the plague, Jiangling City in the early morning has slowly returned to its former prosperity. The shops on the street have opened early, and the pedestrians on the street have gradually become lively.

On the street, there are not a few naughty children chasing each other, shuttling back and forth among the crowd, which is very pleasant.


Accompanied by a few crisp whips, a flaming horse, carrying a flaming figure, galloped past the crowd, inevitably causing a commotion among the crowd.

"Ah... ah..., I want my mother, I want my mother!"

After the horse passed by, in the middle of the street, a two or three-year-old boy was so frightened by the sudden battle just now that he sat down in the middle of the road and burst into tears.

"Be good, little treasure, mother is here, it's all right!" A young mother hurried over, hugged the child in her arms, and coaxed patiently.

"Duofu, come back quickly, come to mother, there is danger!"

On the side of the street, when other mothers saw their young children almost being hit, they also hurriedly called to themselves.

"Who the hell was this just now? What is this for? I was in a hurry to reincarnate early in the morning!"

"That's right, is this downtown area a place for riding horses? Which family's son is so uneducated?"

"Which is the son? I just saw it in a flash, why does she look like a young lady?"


Soon, as more and more people gathered, everyone started pointing and talking about the red figure.

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