Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

503 I won’t let you, a dead girl, get skinned today, and I will take your surname tomorrow.

"Don't mention it, now is not the time to talk about these things, you should pack up quickly, the Empress has summoned the two of us into the palace." Seeing Lin Yixue's laziness, Mu Ying walked over, couldn't help but pull him up.

"Emperor Empress, it's already dark at this time, why did she call us?" Lin Yixue was forced to sit up and asked reluctantly.

"What are you talking about? For the things we did this afternoon, you think she came to us to praise us?" Mu Ying asked angrily.

"Oh, well, if you didn't mention this, I would have forgotten about it. I guess this trip to the palace is really bad luck, and there is not much good to happen." Lin Yixue said helplessly.

Soon, after tidying up a bit, Lin Yixue followed Mu Ying to Queen Mu's Kunning Palace.

When the two arrived at the palace, it was completely dark.

I saw that the palace was full of bright lights, and the entire palace was more solemn and beautiful.

However, Lin Yixue and Mu Ying were not in the mood to appreciate these things at this time, and continued to tremble towards Kunning Palace.

"Kneel down!"

The two had just entered Kunning Palace, before they could see where Empress Mu was, they heard a roar coming from inside.

Oh my god, listening to this voice, Empress Mu seems to be really angry.

Lin Yixue and Mu Ying looked at each other, immediately "plop... plop" and knelt obediently.

"You two dead girls, you're so mad that you don't pay for your life.

Take a look at the good deeds you two have done, and then look at the ladies and gentlemen in the capital, which ones are not all-day, don't leave the door, and don't step in the second door, who is like you, women disguised as men every three days, facing the outside run wild. "

When Empress Mu saw that the two of them didn't say anything, she scolded them fiercely.

"It's okay to go out to play, can't you go shopping all over the street? Why are you going to the Juxiang Pavilion in Laoshizi?

If you go, just go, go secretly, can't you go secretly?

He insisted on making it known all over the world, and severely injured Pei Yan.

Now that I think about it, I'm panicked for you two, for the girl's family to do such a thing, if it spreads, it won't make people laugh.

Sigh, it's also my blessing, how come you two are not up to date, sooner or later you two will be pissed to death..."

Empress Mu finished the scolding with hatred for iron and iron, and she was so tired that she was exhausted.

"Your Majesty, calm down, you are tired after scolding for a long time, hurry up and take a sip of tea." Madam Wei comforted her with a sip of tea at the right time,

"Actually, Princess Xueyi and Miss Mu already know that they are wrong, what they did is wrong, you teach them slowly,

If you get angry again, if something happens again in the future, who can speak for the two in front of the emperor.

After all, the two of them are still young, and when they grow up, they will naturally know how to behave. "

As Mother Wei said, she quickly winked and winked at Lin Yixue and Mu Ying.

"Queen empress, calm down, we know we made a mistake, and we won't dare to do it again next time."

Lin Yixue and Mu Ying were just obediently kneeling and obedient, but they suddenly kowtowed to admit their mistake when they received Wei Mammy's signal.

No way, who made them feel wronged.

A good girl in the boudoir actually went to make a scene in a brothel. If it spread, wouldn't it be against the world?

It's no wonder Empress Mu is so angry, one is her natal niece, the other is her chosen daughter-in-law,

Once the emperor blames her, she will indeed be ashamed.

"Hey, Mammy, are they really young? Don't they make sense?

They know no less than Ben Gong about things, principles, etc.

Looking around the city of Mansheng, there are many girls of their age who are getting married, and I haven't seen them causing trouble every day. Empress Mu sighed and said with a headache.

On this side, the Kunning Palace was full of scolding, while on the other side, the Emperor's South Study Room was not much better at this time.

"Your majesty, you must be the master of your concubines!"

In the south study room, Concubine Pei Gui brought Pei Yan, who was beaten up with a bruised nose and swollen face, wrapped like a rice dumpling, and cried herself into tears.

"My miserable Yan'er, you have provoked someone, and you have been beaten like this. You are really going to kill me."

Concubine Pei had a runny nose and tears, and it was miserable to hold Pei Yan and cry.

I didn't know, I thought it wasn't her nephew who was crying, but her dead mother.

"Oh, what's wrong with Yan'er? How did you become like this?"

The emperor stopped writing, looked up for a while, and Pei Yan, who was carried in by a single frame, glanced at him and asked in surprise.

"What's the matter? I'm going to ask Fu Xueyi and Mu Ying, those two dead girls,

This afternoon, when the two met Yan'er, they didn't agree with each other, so they started fighting directly, and beat the good Yan'er into this appearance.

Take a look, Your Majesty, they are really ruthless. There are no less than dozens of large and small wounds on this body, and there is no good place on the whole body. "Pei Guifei said weeping.

"Well, it seems to be quite serious. Is this really the fight between Yi'er and Ying'er?" The emperor glanced at the two and asked slowly.

"Your majesty, this time, you must be the master of our Pei family.

When Fu Xueyi smoked Yan'er, everyone in Shengjing saw it for real, as if it was fake. "

Concubine Pei Gui said, fearing that the emperor would not believe it, she immediately presented two powerful physical evidences,

"Also, take a look at this hairpin and this dagger, they don't belong to Fu Xueyi, they were found at the scene.

Your majesty, there are all witnesses and physical evidence this time, you must punish this murderer severely. "

As Concubine Mu Gui said, she plopped and knelt in front of the emperor, crying more and more sadly, begging pitifully.

Although she was crying face to face, Concubine Pei Gui was really happy in her heart at this time.

Hmph, last time the emperor didn't say that Yin'er had a miscarriage, there was no conclusive evidence, that it had nothing to do with her, Fu Xueyi.

This time it's all right, there are witnesses and physical evidence, and everyone in Shengjing is watching, she, Princess Xueyi, doesn't obey women's morals, even makes a scene in a brothel and hurts people.

Let's see what that bitch Empress Mu can say this time, and how the emperor will protect that dead girl.

Fu Xueyi, you hurt my son, my grandson, and now you beat my nephew again, if you don't let me pick you up today, I will take your surname tomorrow! Pei thought bitterly in his heart.

"Indeed, looking at this hairpin, it looks familiar, it seems that it really belonged to Princess Zhao Que, presumably it was given to Yi'er.

Having said that, since those two girls were all involved, something important must have happened. "

The emperor glanced at the hairpin on the table, lay back, leaned on the back of the chair, looked at Concubine Pei Gui, and asked coldly.

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