Xuanhuan: I Can View Files of Destiny!

Chapter 137 Nie Ming's Anger \"Giving The Halberd\"

At the moment when the person came.

Below, there were bursts of cheers and cheers.

"I didn't expect it to be Nie Zhenchuan who appeared this time. He is the strongest among all the true disciples in this session!"

"With Nie Zhenchuan's current cultivation, and with the Void Battle Halberd, at least the cultivation of the True God Realm can be brought into play."

"Hey, I can't help but get excited when I think of how this little white face will make a fool of myself later."


Qin Li couldn't help but feel amused when he heard it: what a bunch of idiots, why do they have to make up his brain so weak?

Is it so hard to admit that he is strong? Does this have to force him to be real?

Void halberd? It looks pretty good, if it is integrated into his invincible sword tire, it will...

Qin Li couldn't help but play a small abacus.

When he was fighting against Jian Xingzhou just now, he had already used Jianyu.

Since these old monsters want to see his trump card so much, he will show a small hand.

Anyway, I just had a fight with Jian Xingzhou.

I believe that the elders on the stage already know that he has comprehended the sword domain, and there is no need to hide his strength.

This disciple named Nie Zhenchuan obviously looked down on Qin Li.

After taking the stage, he did not say hello as politely as Jian Xingzhou.

His long hair was loose, his mighty power was monstrous, and he had an arrogance of being the only one who looked down on the world's outstanding people.

"Qin Li, look good. Today, I, Nie Ming, will stab you from the position of the quasi-sacred son with a halberd!"

After finishing speaking, a halberd appeared in his hand, and the red runes flashed, which was breathtaking, almost hidden into nothingness, extremely terrifying.

Stab it!

The halberd pierced out, and the rays of light cut through the sky.

It turned into a huge red halberd ray of dozens of feet, tearing the void, and the space erupted with a sharp whistle.

As for Nie Ming, his head was dancing, and he burst out with a powerful aura.

Like a peerless god king, detached from the mundane.


The power of a single halberd made the entire martial arts field tremble slightly, and the guarding formation hurriedly started running.

It turned into a hundred-mile mask to protect the entire martial arts field.

And in the blink of an eye, that halberd awn has been flying fast, like a blood moon across the sky.

Go straight to Qin Li to stab.

The Void Battle Halberd is indeed well-deserved!

See Qin Li's eyes with little stars

, I really like this weapon more and more.

As his thoughts moved, the invincible sword tire on his back flew out immediately.

In an instant, the sword glow skyrocketed, quickly covering the entire martial arts platform, forming his unique sword domain.

The performance platform, which was hundreds of miles long, was shrouded in a dazzling white light in an instant.

The dazzling light made many disciples below dare not look directly.

"Oh! You really hid your trump card!"

Nie Ming snorted coldly, golden light flickered on his body, and strands of runes bloomed, urging the Void Halberd in his hands with all his strength.


The halberd in the void trembled slightly, and the radiance flowed, and it was about to tear the sky, and its power was shocking!


How could Qin Li allow him to succeed.

With the movement of his wrist, a gust of wind that contained the aura of space rushed towards Nie Ming.

Originally, traveling through the void was as simple as eating and drinking for mortals.

At this moment, it is like being caught in a vortex.

Not to mention killing Qin Li through the void, there is no possibility of even moving.

The next moment, something incredible happened to him.

His Void halberd unexpectedly came out of his hand and flew in a circle high in the sky.

Then, a halberd pierced through his shoulder blades and nailed him to the martial arts platform, and the blood instantly stained the ground.

This is also because the Void Halberd is his natal weapon, and it does little damage to him.

If it was stabbed on other true disciples, I am afraid that it would already be a corpse by now, no, there is even no bones left.

With a wave of Qin Li's hand, he called back his invincible sword embryo.

Originally, many monks were anxious because the light on the martial arts stage was too dazzling to watch the battle.

Immediately see the situation in the arena: "Oh my God, Nie Zhenchuan was nailed to the ground by his Void Halberd."

"What's the matter? Why do all the weapons follow Qin Li's command? Could it be that he knows the art of imperial weapons?"

"Idiot, didn't you first see that the long sword on the back of Holy Son Qin Lizhun was unsheathed? What do you think the dazzling light in the field just now was?"

"Hi! Could it be the Sword Domain?"


Jian Xingzhou couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine at this moment.

Qin Li, he really entered the Sword Territory at the age of eighteen.

Immediately, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he first told Qin

Li was very polite and conceded in time. Otherwise, he would definitely end up as miserable as Nie Ming.

in the field.

Qin Li walked in front of Nie Ming in one step.

Looking at this once invincible true disciple, there was a faint smile on his lips, "You lost!"

Nie Ming felt that it was too humiliating, without the suppression of Qin Lijianyu and that special qi.

He pulled out the Void Halberd, threw a healing medicine pill into his mouth, and immediately started the exercise.

The blood on his body was steaming, and the wound on his shoulder blade healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, he held the Void Halberd tightly in his hand, and snorted coldly: "Humph! Don't even think about it!"

When the words fell, he immediately swung the halberd of the void in his hand and stabbed towards Qin Li.

He wanted to give Qin Li a surprise attack when he was unprepared.

Just when he was secretly happy, he saw Qin Li standing there, about to be hit by his halberd.

next moment.

His eyes bulged as big as copper bells, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The Void Halberd in his hand was once again out of his control, and was tightly held by Qin Li with one hand.

That feeling of being stuck in a swamp quagmire struck again.

No matter how he pushes it, it is difficult for the Void Halberd to move any further.

The golden runes flickered in Qin Li's hand, and with a slight twist, the Void Halberd in his hand completely left Nie Ming's palm.

He held the Void Halberd in his hand and looked at Nie Ming in front of him with a playful expression, "Junior Brother Nie, thank you for your gift of the Halberd, then I will be disrespectful."

Nie Ming was shocked and shouted: "No, Qin Li, I admit defeat, and return the Void Halberd to me!"

Qin Li was unmoved, his spiritual sense moved, and the soul imprint branded on the halberd in the void was immediately erased.

Nie Ming jumped in anger, "What the hell, Qin Li! That's my weapon of enlightenment. Who said I'd give it to you? Give it back to me!"

After he finished speaking, he slammed his palm towards Qin Li.

Qin Li raised his palm to attack him without hesitation.



The two palms collided, and a bright light erupted in the sky.

next moment.

Nie Ming vomited blood, and his bones made a "click, click" sound.

People whizzed past the Yanwu Platform, but they fell heavily on the isolation belt.

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