Inside the Golden Palace.

Li Ang sat cross-legged in the void and waved his big hand.

A monstrous aura, like a golden rainbow of light. Quickly skim through the entire hall.

Bring the countless treasures, elixirs, and elixirs in the golden hall.

All swept in front of Li Ang!

“Golden Pattern Gathering Elixir.”

“Void Holy Leaf.”

“Colorful Creation Fruit.”


Li Ang’s eyes also glanced at the countless treasures in front of him. The expression was somewhat satisfied.

I didn’t expect it. This golden hall was originally a secret of a foreign powerhouse. ’

‘These treasures. It is extremely rare in the outside world. It seems that those people of the foreign race before planned to use these secret treasures as bait. After killing my Terrans, leave with the treasure. ’

Li Ang smiled lightly.

‘It’s a pity that I cut it off with a sword.’ ’

Leon pondered.

This alien crack heaven and earth is full of spiritual energy, which can greatly increase the speed of cultivation. With the secret treasures in the entire Golden Hall, it should be enough for him to break through to the middle stage of the Primeval Realm.

In that case, distance from the holy realm. It’s just one step away.


Leon closed his eyes.

Directly enter the state of cultivation.


The supreme bloodline in Li Ang’s body was directly activated.

Wisps of golden energy erupted from his body.

Subsequently. It turned into a huge black hole.

Extremely greedily devouring all the treasures in the entire Golden Hall.

One day.

Two days.

Three days.

For Li Ang, there is no longer a concept of time.

Heaven and earth seem to stand still.

Only the expanding breath in his body.




After a week of Leon’s retreat, the aura in his body swelled to the limit.

The whole space trembled a little.

A golden spatial ripple exploded from the sky over Na Liang. So that the clouds and mist within a hundred miles of the circle retreated.

Heavenly aura. Like a golden ocean, constantly flowing.


The whole city that never sleeps, and even the surrounding areas further afield.

All people are trembling inside.

From the golden energy flowing from the void, they all felt a barren aura.

It is as if heaven and earth are chaotic.

Everything is the same!


The Holy Son of the Great Holy Land in the Eastern Wilderness saw this scene.

The expression is shocked!

“This is the Qi of the Beginning!!”

“Li Ang Shenzi, break through to the Taichu realm!!”

Taichu Realm!!

Once in the primeval realm. For Zhenjun!

Even in the distance, countless alien demon beasts. Feel the primordial qi in Li Ang’s body. They were all frightened and hurriedly fled, and above the sea level hundreds of miles away, one column of water rose into the sky, churning continuously. It seems to be about to turn into a dragon and fly straight to the galaxy.


Inside the main hall.

Li Ang, who broke through to the Taichu realm, finally slowly opened his eyes.

His expression was calm.

I shook my fist.

‘Middle of the Primeval Realm. ’

These secret treasures have helped me break through a great realm. ’

‘Not enough. ’

At this moment, Li Ang also shook his head lightly.

‘This time I killed the Son of God in the Great Holy Land of the Southern Wilderness and the Northern Wilderness. I am afraid that those holy places will not give up. ’

‘One day I will soar to the Void Immortal Realm. Before leaving, there should be a big war. ’

If nothing else.

This time, once the news of this alien rift spread.

People from several other holy places will follow.

The enemy is coming.

At present, he is proud of the first day of the entire four wastelands. It’s just that it hasn’t reached the level where it can push the four Great Desolate Saint Lords across.

I still need to find the great opportunity in this alien crack.” ’

Li Ang said lightly.

Then, the figure moved, directly turning into a golden light.

Flew out of the Golden Hall and left the city that never sleeps directly.

Fly towards the area deep in the alien rift.


Leave the city that never sleeps.

All the way east.

Li Ang’s gaze also scanned the surroundings.

Previously, because he led the Holy Son, Li Ang and others in the Eastern Wilderness. In fact, it is just an operation on the periphery of the entire alien rift. Once you go deeper, you will face a more powerful alien race.

Now Li Ang is alone and has no scruples.

It is to go directly into the alien rift.

And there is also the main battlefield where the major holy races are fighting against countless foreign races!


As it goes deeper.

Leon passes through a valley.

It’s to see. At this moment, in the valley, there are actually people from several holy places gathered, looking like that. It remains to go deeper.

Leon’s gaze swept the surrounding valley. It seems to have sensed something.

Smiled coldly.


“Li Immortal of the Eastern Wilderness?”


The people of several holy places in the valley also found Li Ang in mid-air.

Hurriedly hugged his fist.

Now Li Ang is proud of the first day of the four wastelands and has long been famous in the world.

“Li Xianren.”

“I’ve seen Li Xianren.”

Li Ang stood on a mountain peak in a green shirt and a sword.

He asked lightly, “Which wasteland are you from?” ”

One of the great holy land goddesses also had extremely respectful expressions. Bend slightly: “Return to the immortals.” We are all from the West. ”

Li Ang frowned: “This alien crack is deep in the place where you can come. Go back. ”


Hearing Li Ang’s words, several people from the Great Western Desolation Holy Land. It’s also quite confusing.

“Thank you Immortal for reminding. We’ve come all the way… There is no danger. ”

Leon heard this.

A faint smile.


Finish talking!

With a snap of his fingers, Li Ang blasted directly towards the surrounding valleys.


With a snap of his fingers, it directly turned into a brilliant golden ray, directly sweeping across the surrounding valley.


The whole space was trembling violently.

Countless sand and stones are flying.

The final few figures.

It also flew out from the depths of that valley!

Those figures, all dressed in white robes.

The breath is extraordinary.

There are more than a dozen people, and all of them have reached the Primeval Realm cultivation!

“Huh… It was discovered…”

“But it’s fine. Let you all die here! ”

Among those figures.

The man at the front also looked at Li Ang and the others with a sneer.

The voice was full of gloom and greed.

In the eyes, there is flesh rising!

It’s the people of the alien race!!



The people of the major holy places in the Western Wilderness who were present were completely dumbfounded!

Unexpectedly, around this valley.

There are already so many people of foreign races ambushed here!

“Li Xianren… What are we going to do?? ”

Previously, the goddess of a holy place in the Naxi Wilderness was also on the face. Full of despair!!

Li Ang sneered. Looking at the figure in mid-air.

He said lightly: “A group of aliens in the early stage of the Taichu Realm also want to kill me?” ”

Finish talking!

Li Ang punched in the air and blasted out directly!

One punch to release!

It’s like blowing up a cannonball through the air!

Thunder resounds!

One of them is a Taichu Realm alien. Before he could even react, his pupils shrank.



One punch, it was directly blasted into powder by Li Ang!

Even Genshin. It’s all not left!!

“Kill !!!”

The remaining group of foreign powerhouses saw this scene, their eyes were scarlet.

It turned out to be desperate to rush towards Li Ang’s side, and more than a dozen Taichu Realm powerhouses shot together. What a coercion, so that the surrounding earth is constantly trembling.

Crack after crack a huge crack.



Those figures, but even Li Ang’s side did not come close. With Leon another punch!

One by one, they were blasted into powder on the spot!


“Is it the power of Li Immortal??”

The countless Western Desolation Holy Lands around were shocked to see this scene. The voice trembled.

In a blink of an eye.

In the entire space, there were more than a dozen Taichu Realm aliens, who were blasted on the spot by Li Ang.

Li Ang stood in the void, a green shirt.

In pristine condition.

He looked at the only remaining alien and said lightly, “Where is the main city of your alien race?” ”

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