

Countless people stood under that bloody tower.

One by one.

Stunned in place. Eerie silence!


Along with it, there were still people from all the major and middle states in the audience, greedy and even a little distorted.

And, the sound of rapid breathing!

Without him.

Tianbao, it’s too precious.

It’s as precious as a legend.

Precious, the same Tianbao. Enough to support a large ancient holy clan!

“It is rumored that today’s first holy family, the Night Clan, is the treasure of a large town clan.”

“It’s called the Great Hades Bead. In the battle between several ancient holy clans back then, the Night Clan relied on this treasure. Single-handedly, suppress all religions! ”

There is the young master of the Supreme Great Sect, and the voice trembles the Dao!!

Countless people, eyes are even a little red!

So to speak.

As long as anyone present from the Great Supreme Sect gets that heavenly treasure.

The sect where it is located can leap into the sky!

Directly become the head of several supreme great sects!

Become the number one sect after the Ancient Saint Clan!!

‘Heavenly treasure, heavenly treasure…’

Young Master Long Xiaomen. Long Tianling.

The expression is fiery.

Even if he has always been indifferent, at this moment. The body couldn’t stop shaking a little.

What they faced… It’s a real big chance!

Great creation!!

‘If you get this treasure! ’

‘I’m howling. It will surely become the head of several supreme great religions! ’

‘Sweep the Zhongzhou Sect!! ’

The scene was hot and the crowd was surging.


Long Xiao did not hesitate in the slightest, did not pay any attention to the previous alliance agreement between several major sects.

The figure moved, directly turned into a stream of light, and took the lead through the blood qi through the valley, heading towards the blood-colored tower.

At this moment, the dragon roar is like madness!

“People from the Dragon Roaring Gate, come with me!”

“What a fucking shit union covenant!!”

“Get this treasure, my Dragon Xiaomen will become the head of the Supreme Great Sect!!”

Saw Long Xiao and the others leaving.

Immortal Moon Pavilion, Blood Spear Sect, Black Soul Hall and other Tianjiao.

It’s also a look at each other.

Among them, Ye Xuan’er and beautiful eyes of the Xianyue Pavilion flashed a gloomy coldness, and said in a low voice: “Hmph, want to take over the creation?” ”


Immediately, several people from the supreme great sect in Zhongzhou moved their bodies. Together with the already crazy crowd around them, they entered the valley!

“Rush in, seize the heavenly treasure!!”

“I can’t wait for a distraction. Even if you take luck, what is the use of getting that heavenly treasure? Inevitable to be bombarded! ”

“Hmph, just get Tianbao. Give it to the Eight Ancient Saint Families! In any great holy family. All of them are enough to attend the position of Elder Taishang and completely soar!! ”

Countless people have greedy dreams.

Li Ang smiled faintly, and also stepped into the blood-colored valley.

Blood Valley.

Flesh is pervasive.

The previous supreme great religions, although they agreed to seek creation together. It’s just that under the temptation of that Tianbao, this agreement has obviously become a joke.

At present, the people of the great supreme sects. Relying on his own cultivation to be strong, he had already flown through this blood-colored valley.

Only a few weak scattered cultivators remained, trapped in the valley.


“No !!!”

Vaguely, one scream after another. It is also constantly coming from the surroundings.




Leon was also aware of it, less than an hour. Around him, there were hundreds of people falling!

‘What kind of treasure is it?’ So overbearing? ’

Right at this moment.



Right at this moment.

In front of Li Ang, there was also a sharp female voice.

There were nearly a hundred scattered cultivators, with frightened faces running back from the front.

Expression, terrified!!

It’s as if you’ve seen something terrifying!

‘What? ’

Leon frowned.

Then came the meeting.

In the blood mist ahead, there were figures one after another, slowly approaching.

Take a closer look.

It turned out to be one blood-colored skeleton after another!!

That blood skeleton, on top of the skeleton, even has fresh blood glued to it!

Apparently those who just fell, after death. Turn into the undead and continue to fight!

‘Hmph. ’

Even if I live, I can slash with a sword.” After you die, you still dare to stop me? ’

Li Ang was expressionless and stepped out.

“This Daoist, you still don’t leave? You don’t really want to break through, do you? ”

At this moment, a person passed by for a loose practice. Seeing that Li Ang didn’t have the slightest intention of retreating, he couldn’t help but say: “Just now, there were more than a dozen Taichu Realm cultivators who planned to forcibly pass it over. ”

“As a result, all by those skeletons. Slash with ease! ”

Leon’s expression was flat.

Not moving at all.

“Brother Kai, what do you do with him?”

“Hmph, he’s going to die as he pleases.” Brother Kai let’s go. A red-robed and enchanting woman on the side also snorted softly.


At the moment when the woman in red fell.


Li Ang snapped his fingers at a sword qi and turned into a hundred zhang golden light. It’s just a direct blast!


One points out.

It’s like a god descending into the world!

The wind is light and cloudy.


Countless scattered cultivators in the audience, completely dumbfounded!!

Just a snap of his fingers is to annihilate the skeletons in front of him for dozens of miles!!

In front of him, a huge pit was cracked, stretching for tens of miles!

It was as if a great power from the universe had been stepped on. Leave deep sword marks!


It’s the difference between a god and an ant!

“Just a snap of the fingers??”

There were countless scattered cultivators around, and everyone was stunned.

You must know that those skeletons, each of them have a cultivation comparable to the Primeval Realm. And what’s even tougher is that they don’t have consciousness!!

No fear!

Just focus on killing!!

So extremely difficult to deal with.


Was he easily bombarded and killed by Li Ang with a snap of his fingers?


Just as Li Ang was about to continue to leave, the enchanting woman in red not far away also walked a few steps.

Looking at Li Ang, his voice was soft: “Gongzi’s means are unparalleled in the world.” Xiao Mei had never seen someone so proficient in kendo. ”

“Can Gongzi take me and Brother Kai. Spend the valley together, if you will…”

The enchanting woman, her expression was slightly red: “The little sister is willing to accompany the son to drink all the merry.” ”

Leon was speechless.

When the enchanting woman heard this, she thought about it for a while, and then said again: “If Gongzi feels unwilling, you can take me alone!” ”

“Red Girl… You!!! ”

The man known as Brother Kai behind him was almost angry and exploded his lungs!

Didn’t think of it. The enchanting woman he regarded as his beloved actually betrayed him simply like this??


Next second. Leon’s words.

But it made that enchanting woman. The expression was instantly embarrassed and gloomy!

I only heard Li Ang say indifferently.

“You don’t deserve it.”

Finish talking!!

Li Ang’s body moved, turning into a golden light. Disappear in place!

(Some people say that the protagonist is Megumi Yanagishita, but it is not.) It’s just a Nether woman, and the protagonist can’t look at it. When I arrived at the Tai Void Immortal Realm, there were gods and goddesses of all races in the universe and fairies. The curtain is lifted, and you will not be disappointed at that time!! )

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